Men, what has made you walk out on a date?

  1. She told me it was oppression to hold the door for her when we got to the restaurant.

    Went right back to my car, got some In n Out, got home and smoked a cigar over some whiskey.

  2. Being rude to others.

    Being on her phone the entire time.

    Acting or speaking in a way that appears entitled.

    Making blatant remarks about men’s behaviors, basically anything remotely resembling toxic feminism, aggressive behavior and or confrontational or argumentative type personality.

  3. She was black when her profile picture was of a white woman.

    Not a racist thing, a catfished thing.

  4. tldr: my brown ass went on a date with another race. date made fun of my race, my ancestors and the food i got. and got mad at me for not getting mad at them.

    i went on a date when i was like 18-19? online thing.

    imma vegetarian and dated a meat eater. no big deal. i came from a country with limited resources so food and diet politics mean fucking nothing to me. eat a raw pig for all i care. you do you.

    the date made a whole big production about getting a t bone stake and wanted it raw af (got into fight with manager and also waiter bc they can’t do it that way)

    they started talking shit about immigrants and how much they smell and how gross they are.

    i’m brown. i’m an immigrant. lmfaooo

    they seemed so nice and normal behind a screen. I was very young so I clearly didn’t understand what was happening during our Internet interactions.

    anyway, I paid my share and politely left.

    I wasn’t offended by it or anything, because it’s the south (bible belt) and I’m gonna be honest, I’ve dealt with this kind of malevolence and racism. it’s not too unfamiliar with me.

    here’s the kicker, they were offended by *me* for not getting into some emotional PETA type of drama with them right in the middle of the restaurant over their choice of lunch.

    they also said they didn’t have the money for the food and had to call up somebody to wire money over to them. I think it was their grandma they called? because I remember it was not their bio parents, they called another biological family member.

    didn’t even have 10 bucks on them 😂

  5. I had a date with the daughter of a rich restaurant owner. I went to pick her up at the restaurant in my beautiful pickup truck and the father came out to meet me and started to give me shit about having the nerve to pick his daughter up in a truck. I said I don’t need this shit and drove away.

  6. It was a pretty bad date to begin with, she was basically on her phone the whole time, couldn’t carry a conversation as long as a fart, i was bored and stopped caring, then she hit me with the bill lol

    After we ate, she said “thank you for dinner” and we hadn’t paid yet, I just looked at her and went “Oh… I don’t have any money, i thought you were paying when you picked this place I can’t afford…” (in reality i figured we’d split it, but if she’s gonna make assumptions…..)

    She looked at me like i had 5,000 heads, like HUH??? WHA??? She was like “well i didn’t bring my purse so just pay and ill get you back”

    i asked “You ever play dine and dash?” and she said “What’s that?” and I said “hold on I’ll show you, lemme go to the bathroom real quick”.Went inside, used the restroom, went out the backdoor, BLOCKED, bye-bye.

  7. I show up. She easily 50lbs heavier than her pics but I dont have the heart to be a dick so I ignore it. We ordered Chinese takeout with 2 bottles of wine (her idea) in her dirty apartment. It came, she poured 2 tiny glasses, I got up to pee, came back and the bottle was empty. She guzzled a bottle of wine in 30 seconds while I took a piss and then shot her glass down like it was water when I came back. Then tried to kiss me which I noped out of. Got up and wished her a good night. She offered me a bj like it was a cup of coffee. Nah…..ill pass. Drove home and that was that. No more tinder and spontaneous dates

  8. “i fucking hate my dad. but he hates me too. my mom was his secretary and i’m the product of a one night stand. everyone in my family hates me and i hate everyone in my family.”

  9. I can’t say all my dates have been successful, but I’ve never walked out on one.

    Does walking out on someone make you the better person? Seems pretentious.

    You asked her out – suck it up and see it through!

  10. She told me she was 18, (i was 19 almost 20 at the time) and when we were riding around she told me she lied and she was 17. Took her ass straight home.

  11. I met this girl that I had been talking to online and the usual bad date things happened- she was way heavier in person than she led on, she was a sloppy drunk and got loud and obnoxious, and eventually went on and on about her ex husband/baby daddy, who is also bipolar (which I found out that night as well!). But it was a fun date and even though I didn’t think it would work from the get go, I was enjoying the company and was stoked to make a new friend. Now before the date we had talked about crystals and all the other woo woo witchcraft bullshit people fall victim to and how I didn’t believe in that nonsense. So naturally she pulls a rock out of her purse and slides it over to me saying how powerful it is, just like me.

    Hahah, nope. Check. Please.

  12. When I found out that she knew my ex girlfriend and somehow she sees her as one of her best friends. I guess that was the reason, and plus I spilled coffee on her newly bought textbook. I couldn’t handle it no more.

    That was a date that I want to forget.

  13. Tried to tell me she wasn’t able to have kids so we wouldn’t need condoms…nope

  14. She kept trash talking all our mutual friends. Made me think a lot less of her as a person.

  15. When I got the hint she’s an habitual “free dinner” dater… I left her with the bill and have no remorse over it.

  16. Said to me, “it looks like you’re one of those guys that likes to mansplain..” when we were having some back and forth on a subject. I said, “oh, I thought we were just having a conversation.” Asked for the check and walked out to the sound of her protests.

  17. well, she kept asking about my job, she asked me how much money I made and then genuinely asked me If I had my proof of income. I mean I showed her but then I left.

  18. We were at a cafe and she excused herself to go to the restroom and she went into the mens . Not by accident .

  19. In high school, we were waiting for a movie to start. The theater was in a mall so we walked around and bullshitted for bit. She asked me to buy her a very $$$ purse at one point. I noped out, luckily hadn’t bought tickets yet lol.

  20. First date. Barely past the smallest of small talk. She excuses herself to the restroom. She comes back in a huff talking about some guy at the bar calling her a bitch.

    “Wow, what an asshole.”
    “Well!?!? What are you going to do about it?!”
    “You’re just going to sit there and let some asshole call your date a bitch!?”
    “Yeah probably.”
    “What kind of a man are you PartyTang?! What kind of bitch-made punk (exact words used) let’s some asshole call HIS woman a bitch?!”
    “Okay, you stay here. I’m gonna straighten this shit out.”

    I walked by the waitress on my way out and gave her a 20 and was gone like a stimulus check.

  21. Told me I’m an abuser of women just like the men she sees in court for domestic violence. Because I was NOT okay with the idea of dating someone that continues to see her ex-bf for dinner dates once a week. And I simply calmly explained I was not interested in such an arrangement. She shouted out that I’m an “abuser” loud enough that people at the other tables were staring at us.

    She made it extremely clear that that would never stop because “it’s my right as a woman to do what I want”

  22. Not a date per say, but a weekend away.

    I had just started dating this girl. She was gorgeous, smart, fun, came from a well-to-do family, I thought I had hit the jackpot. On our first date I noticed she seemed kind of nervous. She didn’t seem to like any dead space in conversation. I didn’t think too much about it. I think our third date she offered for us to go up to her family cabin 3 hours away for the weekend. I couldn’t wait!

    On the drive up I realized what was wrong. She was a nervous talker. She could not stop talking if her life depended on it. It was like she was just talking at me. At one point, I didn’t talk for a full hour of the drive just to see if she would pick up on it or ask me a question or something. She didn’t.

    We got to the cabin and… I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t spend 3 days alone with her. I didnt care how hot she was, how badly I wanted to hop in bed with her. I told her I was feeling really sick and we should probably head back home. The best part of the trip was when she fell asleep on the ride back.

    Dropped her off and never saw her again.

  23. I was doing 95% of the talking and she had nothing to say or add. I was bored out of my mind, it really was like talking to a wall. I finally said, “I have to go.” And just left.

  24. * Patronizing strangers
    * Insinuating that they’re out with me because they figured I was well endowed
    * Couldn’t stop asking me questions about how much money I make, spend, save and have in the bank. How many square meters my home is. What brand car I own. Which neighbourhood I live in.

  25. Her: I should be treated like a princess.

    Me: Are you actually a princess?

    Her: No, you should just treat me that way.

    Me: What makes you think I would treat you like a princess then?

    Her: Because that’s what I deserve.

    Me: It wasn’t nice meeting, I am paying my part of the bill and leaving.

    I blocked her after 15 minutes of constant texts and calls. She obviously had problems.

  26. Racism. One gal I was dating went on about how interracial relationships are bad for society. We’re both white but it’s one of those things that tells me their values are incompatible with mine.

  27. We were having a coffee and talking, having a good time, and then when we were done with our coffee she said “hey wanna go out and walk around and keep talking” i said yes and we walked out together 🙂

  28. She started preaching and lecturing about how to become a “real” man. I told her “I need to pee. Be right back.” and then I got out of there and got in my car then drove back home.

  29. We made plans for mini golf then dinner… she was easily 30-40 pounds above the pictures in her profile, but I figured I’d be nice. After mini golf, I pretty much said I had a bad headache and noped outta there before dinner.

  30. Tinder date, she was more of my taste in pictures and she was kind of superficial. I said something like « ok let’s go when we finish our drink » and she got crazy angry, insisted to walk a bit with me afterward and proceed to say how nobody ever did this to her and I was disrespectful etc.. I finally left her this evening when I realized she was kind of crazy 🤷🏻‍♂️

  31. She was very rude and going on about money and how she hates cheap people. I covered the bill (not expensive) and walked out while she was in the bathroom

  32. Walk in to the restaurant for a date with a “fit woman looking for someone who can keep up at the gym,” with pictures of someone who couldn’t weigh more than 160 soaking wet, just to be flagged down by the girl who looks like she ate her. I’m talking no less than 400 pounds. I just turned around and left.

  33. We went out for dinner. She was playing with her phone all the time.
    I excused myself going to the toilet and paid the bill. An hour later she asked where I am. This told me everything I need to know.

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