We have been together for a little over 7 1/2 months. My partner(NB) has been working at a Chipotle for a few weeks now. I hate my job and have been searching for other work opportunities for around a month now. Today I had an interview with a seperate Chipotle across town in the local college campus and they hired me on the spot. However, they warned me that due to decreased traffic at the store during the summer, there is a decent chance that I will be sent to one of the other two in the area once my training is completed. I excitedly told my partner about this, and they were excited too, until I told them that I may be working a little at the location they work at. My partner said that it would not be a good idea and gave the following reasons; we could get fired if management found out, if I got sent back people would gossip about us, the stress could lead to arguments, etc. Their main point seemed to be that they were looking out for what’s best for our relationship and that they were concerned that I wasn’t. Where the argument forms is that I don’t see any of the risk in us working together and I don’t see it as causing any potential problems for our relationship. I did some research and showed her statements of people claiming to be various levels of managers at Chipotle saying that dating within the company is commonplace and allowed so long as it isn’t between a boss and a crew member. I said that since we are both regular crew it wouldn’t be an issue but they persisted in saying that they didn’t want to risk it. I also said that if I got sent back to my location that they could simply tell their coworkers the truth about the situation and clear everything up. Furthermore I said that if we end up sharing a shift together I could just avoid and not interact with them the entire time. Still though, they insisted that it was for the best in our relationship if we didn’t, period. They told me that I could just refuse to be moved to that store, or find another new job altogether. When I insisted that it would all work out fine and that any of the issues have a slim to none chance of happening, they said that if I wanted to work there so bad then they’d just quit. I don’t know what to do to amend things, is there any sort of compromise I could work out, or should I give in and deny working at their location to my manager? Any honest help is very much appreciated, thank you.

I know it’s a bit of a read so, TDLR: My partner and I are in an argument about whether or not it’s safe for us to temporarily work at the same fast food location.

  1. Tell the management you are in a relationship before they might move you. That way it’s up to the managers to decide if they are okay with you two working at the same location.

    I understand fast food is a very stressful environment, but there are also many stressful situations couples will get into. If you two can’t make burritos together without if hurting the relationship then things like managing shared money together or raising a child probably wouldn’t work out either.

    I suggest you take the new store position so you’re happier. Tell your partner that you will try not to get transferred to their store. If you do still get transferred and after trying to work together your partner still doesn’t want you to work there then say you’ll quit instead of making them do it.

  2. dude I’m pretty sure the management there is just following orders from their higher chain of command within the company.. you can make all the promises you want on how much you’ll kiss ass, but once you break that promise which the answer to that happening is inevitable.. you’re a liability to that store. you’re a liability to everyone above you who trusted you and whoever is in charge of you, and let’s say some shit happens.. that’s not on you, that’s on them.. so maybe take a step back and think about other people other than yourself maybe?! not to sound rude or anything but you sound so zooted about what “YOU”, want.. but not what those other people want, you clearly don’t see what effects your entrance position into that store will have because of your dying wishes to work with a significant other

    I don’t know man, sorry if I pushed your buttons but that’s just my two cents.

  3. Your partner is making it sound as if you were both a part of some sort of fancy legal firm, both on partner track and running for office soon.

    You’re working at a fast food chain. I’m pretty sure that if you could be temporarily moved to a different store, it’s not because of your special magical skills. It’s what happens. It can happen to you, it can happen to dozen other people. I seriously doubt anyone would give a crap and make it a conspiracy theory.

    Your partner has some serious delusions or is simply shagging someone at work or has something else to hide so they’re making up bs reasons. Seriously? Quit your job because you *might* end up working at the same joint? Please.

  4. Chances are the fast food place doesn’t care if people are a couple as long as they do their jobs and don’t hook up on the job. That said, it might be that your partner doesn’t want to work with you for whatever reason, which is their right.

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