I’d never run into this before. But with my current partner, she seems to get legitimately turned on by all of this. I remember it first happening when I was simply making us some coffee. She told me that for some reason, it was so sexy watching me prepare it. I asked her why, and she said it had to do with the fact that I seemed very confident in what I was doing, and that my movements were “graceful”. She feels the same about me cooking or preparing food as well. Something about the little rituals I have when preparing food are very sexy to her.

A few hours ago, she just said something similar about watching me clean up my room. A funnier (at least to me it’s funny lol) example recently, was her admitting that she will interrupt me playing videogames sometimes, because something about watching me play a game skillfully gets her really going. To me, it sounds like she just gets easily turned on by watching me do anything that she perceives me to be “good” at. I’ve talked to some of my buddies, and they say that their GFs have said similar things.

So I’m just sort of wondering, is this a common thing? And ladies, maybe you can explain in better detail why these things are attractive to some of you. I just find it cute and honestly flattering that such simple things can be a turn on.

  1. I don’t think my wife gets hot from me doing housework. I do the all laundry including folding and putting hers away, vacuum the house, clean the kitchen and do the dishes. I make the bed every day, feed and clean up after the cats. I get the keurig ready for her every night. She hasn’t said it gets her all hot. Only thing hot is the coffee lol.

    I do it because individually we can’t do everything. I know it takes a load off her knowing she doesn’t have to worry about it. A load off her reduces her mental/physical load. She keeps after what are now our young adults. If either of us miss doing something the other picks up the slack for a minute.

    If what I do contributes to her getting hot and bothered more often I haven’t noticed. What she does doesn’t get me all bothered. It’s just stuff that needs to be done. I’d be in the mood regardless.

    If what you’re doing gets you action I wouldn’t stop lol

    ETA: Just explicitly asked the wife. I confirmed what I thought, that it doesn’t make her horny, hot, bothered, or anything else lol Dr. Phil is full of crap.

  2. I find it really nice when a man does something nice for me something like cooking or doing the dishes after I cooked for us.

    I have also been in relationships with men that were absolutely used to being waited on hand and foot and tried to train them by being really touchy whenever they actually did something.
    Also yes, being skilled at something is hot.

  3. She’s probably used to dating do-nothing losers. Equal participation in a relationship is hot. My wife always feels me up while I’m washing dishes.

  4. It’s a turn on because it’s hard to find guys that actually do these things, so when a woman sees a guy doing it it is a turn on. It’s sexy as hell to see a guy clean the house.

  5. Emotional intimacies can deepen and start manifesting as physical desires in all kinds of inspired ways. I’ve had em and she’s had em. The details can be greatly varied because we all love for profoundly different reasons.

    If a woman gets wet and aroused because a sponge is scrubbing fine china, then damn I want to talk to this woman. Ask her things like if she has soap preferences lol. Simply fascinating. But maybe a woman gets randy because it’s YOU washing dishes. Maybe she secretly wanted you to do them because she’s tired and you’ve reminded her just how much you appreciate her hard work. Maybe she had a long, intimate talk with you and now she feels heard on a meaningful level. Maybe you told her you hate doing dishes, you have a phobia of it, and she recognizes the emotional and intellectual growth you’re displaying and can’t help but express love for the man you’re becoming. Damn, or maybe the last lover didn’t give a FUCK about helping out with chores and after seeing you do what you do she’s realized she’s made a great step towards happiness with you in her life. Maybe the best sex she’s ever had was with a dishwasher when she was a waitress at Red Robin, they fucked on a pile of dishes nightly, and now the faint scent of Dawn or Fabuloso gets her motor running but she has no godly idea why she can’t walk down the soap aisle at Walmart without thinking about giving you a sexy call. Brains work weird when you look too closely, but it’s all we got so let’s appreciate the positives whenever we can

  6. Yep! Not always but yep it’s a thing. Love watching me a bit of manual work more than housework tho

  7. Oh fuck yes.
    Whatching my man be happy and confidant and passionet about his work is the hottest thing for me. Self confidance in itself is very hot regardless of gender. Like ive grown up in a very controlling house and i was never allowed to cook on my own cuz id burn the house down, but bf is a chef and he loves to cook and he taught me so much and i enjoy cooking and learning new things with him and hea very happy that we have a nother great hobby together

  8. It is known that when people are performing actions (can be basic ones such as the ones you describe) but they do it well, then it is attractive to a lot of people. Since those are basic actions you’ve probably done them a lot before and repeating them shows a mastering in automatism (e.g., confidence/graceful movements).
    The same is observed with for example sport athletes or chess champions who are just good at what they do and seeing them perform well those actions is attractive, it shows off their skills.
    The fact that it’s your partner and she’s obviously attracted to you then amplifies this and makes it that even basic actions which don’t require particularly impressive skills (coffee, cleaning) are perceived as “talent”
    I don’t think this has anything to do with house chores in particular as said in other comments. If you performed an action you had never done before and were bad at it, it would probably not have such an effect
    This is an effect that is present in all of us but your partner seems particularly responsive to it, enjoy !

  9. That sounds normal, seeing someone show their skill at something can be hot.

    Also, I think happiness correlates with sex. Taking part in house work not only gives her more time to relax and stay energized, but it makes her appreciate you more which increases her attraction towards you.

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