Looking for cool activities during our road trip around the USA next year.

  1. In the majority of areas… going to a shooting range. Even in more restrictive states, it’s still an option and not one that a lot of other countries do

  2. I don’t know of many things that are *only* in the US.

    Independent diners come to mind. But I don’t know if you consider those bounded to a specific place.

    Go to a baseball game. Not exclusive to the US but very American. Is maybe read up on the rules beforehand just so you can follow along.

    Look up local festivals wherever you are going. I don’t know if that violates your “not bounded to a specific place” criteria.

  3. An open audition where the winner sings the Star Spangled Banner (and only the Star Spangled Banner) at a sporting event.

  4. visiting national and state parks. can especially recommend this for the upper Midwest in the fall (not biased I swear)

  5. Even very blue states will have gun ranges available to the public, usually with an instructor present. You can pay to take an hour-long introductory shooting course, you don’t need to be a US Citizen, just need your passport for ID.

    Bluegrass, country and jazz are genres of music that are uniquely American and there are clubs in virtually every mid to large city.

    Baseball games, pro or college American football, basketball are all very American.

    Horseback riding is popular in more rural areas throughout the country.

    For parts of the country that experience snow, snowmobiling is super fun.

    Across the country are “State Fairs” which are a showcase of local farms, food, carnival games and contests.

    During Halloween-time – lots of places do corn mazes, haunted hayrides, haunted houses, etc.

  6. See if any of the major cities you are visiting have a midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It’s silly, interactive, and very fun. I don’t know how these shows fared during the pandemic, but pre-pandemic I think most big cities had an old movie theatre somewhere that did midnight Rocky Horror once a month, or even weekly. If you can find one on your route, I’d say it’s a uniquely American experience.

  7. Just driving, seemingly forever, from state to state is something you can only do in a few places in the world.

    If you keep your driving to the 2-lane, side roads, you’ll find all sorts of roadside attractions.

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