We have been dating for nearly 7 months now, and honestly it’s been a complete rollercoaster. Just to preface this, I come from a fairly religious background, however I myself am not religious at all. I have a history of mental health issues which she has known about from the start. My girlfriend is from a relaxed family who let her do what she wants pretty much. I have never been in a relationship before but she has (about 6ish).

Within the first week of meeting (i sat next to her for 4.5 hours a week) we were already talking nearly all the time and had such a good vibe. Honestly we were both lovestruck and we had such a good time getting to know each other and starting to go out, it was magnificent. However, after a month or two, when we’d argue she’d bring up her past and almost flex it and tease me about it. She’s had sexual experiences with 5 other guys and none of which she was in a relationship with. There was also an instance where she showed me photos of her covered in hickeys when we had a small disagreement. This was like 8 months ago but i still remember it so vividly. I’ve never felt so disgusted and disrespected in my life. Perhaps an overreaction but that’s how i felt.

For the first 5 months of our relationship, she’d ghost me for a day or a few because she “overthought herself into believing things” none of which were true. She also did a plethora of things which made me feel dismissed or worthless, which I won’t get into.

The biggest issue we had was her “boy bestfriend”. She’d purposely not tell him i was with her, wouldn’t put me in her snaps, would hide herself behind me if he was there, spend the day with him after i took it off to spend with her, knew he was upset when my hand was on her leg, only cared if he saw her story with me in it and honestly the list goes on. I then found out from her best friend that he flirts with her which i instantly asked her about, and she denied it, saying that they’re just friends. Eventually after about 4 months of me asking, she stopped talking to him. Coincidentally a few days later she told me that he confessed feelings for her. Obviously this ruined all trust I had for her because I had been telling her for months that he doesn’t just want to be friends, and she knew that.

She also liked to claim that she didn’t talk to any boys, yet it is completely untrue and I named at least 10, of which 3 had expressed romantic interest in her previously. She’d also give me regular updates on one of her exes lives, claiming that she was told by one of her friends. I told her I couldn’t care any less what her ex is doing, and she apologised. That was until i saw a notification from him on her phone, and they seemed to talk regularly. I have no problems with her talking to friends that are solely platonic, of which I am friends with a few too. However, I myself do not talk to anyone except her. I will have an odd conversation with an old classmate (usually female, i was one of three boys in biology) and she’ll lose her shit about it. Since we argued about it, she agreed to stop talking to other boys.


My issue is that there are consistent inconsistencies, lies and hurtful things she would do to me. She always apologises and says she’ll change, but she doesn’t

We broke up shortly after the best friend situation, but it only lasted about 3 days, since I am just so attached to her.

Part of me does want to break up with her, but on the other hand, when we are together it is great. We have great sex, give each other gifts, go out often and always have a good time. She does make me so happy, honestly the happiest I have ever been. However i feel like the happiness is all void due to the amount she hurts me.

I always manage to forgive her, that’s the easiest part. Forgetting is what takes time, and usually i do forget and i stop overthinking, but once a new issue comes along I remember it all, all over again.

I am moving away (about 2 hours drive) away at the end of july, for roughly a month at a time. I will still be able to see her when i’m home for the weekends and when i do my month from home. However I have serious doubts as to if our relationship will last.


TLDR: Girlfriend consistently lacks effort, purposely hurts my feelings, lies and borderline cheated, which is hard to forgive and forget. Is it worth it to keep waiting for her to love me how i want to be loved, even though I’ve already waited the entire relationship.

I understand that love at our age is all about figuring it out and being patient, but I feel like if you don’t tell her what to do and what not to do explicitly, she’ll do the wrong thing.

Should I keep waiting for her to change? Or should I give up already.

  1. Get rid move on not even worth your time, and already on 5 lovers at 17, talk about letting anyone get it. Not the girl for you my friend, have some respect for yourself and stop being mentally abused

  2. You already know this is better left in the past. It was a typical teenage relationship with all the good part and immaturity. It would be a mistake to try and drag it into adulthood with you.

  3. This will end eventually. The question is how much emotional manipulation will you endure from her on the way to the end. She’s not a good partner and I doubt you are right now either. She’s not the type of person you want. You just think you do because she gives you sex and has your head all twisted up.

  4. I would end it when you move away. This is definitely not the kind of relationship that is going to be *improved* by long distance. There are other girls out there who won’t cause you this much heartache.

  5. Bruh your in high school hit the gym and all the girls will come for you, her guy bf is who she wants to be with

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