Some people are more thoughtful than others, fact. What I can’t stand is ungratefulness.

We see a dog on a street often during loo walks around the block with our own dog. The owner posted on our street WhatsApp they were going away and could anyone look after their dog. I replied yes.

The owner asked for two ‘trial’ walks starting at our house so the dog could get used to it, we agreed. They went away, we had the dog for 4 nights. Not an easy dog either, wild about food and barks a lot but never mind. We gave her to another neighbour as agreed for the 5th night so didn’t see them get back.

My husband saw them around the block the next day and no mention of it, happily told him about their holiday but not a thank you! We had a street party the following day and nothing! Definitely no card or small gesture of a gift.

Not only that but my sister and her bf broke up so she asked to stay for 2 weeks, this turned into 5.5 weeks! She asked if she could add to our food shop each week and send us the money – each week nothing was said. She bought pizza one day for her and my husband and I said let us know what we owe you and she acknowledged the £90 for food shop but left and didn’t pay. She’s been gone a week. Another one… turned up empty handed when she moved it and no card or gift when she left. Sick of rude people.

  1. Those are the type of people you just don’t do anything for anymore. Not necessarily cut them out but if they ask for something, just say no. Not sorry

  2. Some people are takers. Some people are givers. You need to settle for people that do both.

  3. Instead of being mad and saying nothing about why tell them how you feel or bring it up lightly to them in a silly way. It may not have of occurred to them you were expecting a thank you gift. Not everyone does that. I verbally thank ppl for things but my idea of keeping things fair is getting lunch for them next time or doing a favor for them back next time. I’d rather ppl just tell me if they feel that way bc I wouldn’t want that and try to fix things right away. Idk

  4. Stop doing favours unless you gladly do it for nothing, not even a thank you. I wouldn’t expect money paid back from family members in emotional distress. That’s not to say I’m right, I’m probably wrong, but you can’t assume other people have the same values as you.

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