Extra question, what CAN make a woman fall out of love?

  1. Constant inconsideration of my feelings, especially when I explicitly have told him things that bother me and hurt me and he keeps doing said things

  2. Nothing really. Just the attraction started fading away. I still liked them as a person, but I didn’t want anything else anymore. There are many things that can make you fall out of love, from making a dumb comment, to cheating, to not listening to her thoughts etc. But in my case, everything was fine, just the time made the feelings go away

  3. Acting like a child, including having to be “reminded” to clean up and do his fair share of household chores / responsibilities.

  4. He stopped fulfilling my needs, I felt neglected. I realised that the relationship didn’t make me anything but miserable so I started to distance myself and the spark faded away.

  5. I have actually, but not out of love for a romantic partner, but a family member

    I admired and loved my grandfather so much, but later I got to see how horribly he treats my father who absolutely cherishes him, and I feel both hurt and betrayed by his actions, I don’t think I could ever love him the same way again

  6. Nagging , hypocrisy, bringing up things I did in the past constantly .

  7. He started showing toxic traits like guilt-tripping me into doing things I didn’t want, lying and being clingy. My only regret was not ending it sooner.

  8. Being too young, inexperience in dating, wanting to try new things and move on.

    Also: complacency and being taken for granted. Lack of ambition and not growing together.

  9. Our respective goals had shifted, but even more than that I didn’t feel respected or adored. I use the word “adored” because it’s easy to love someone and not even like them, but when I realized that seeing other happy, affectionate couples made me sad, I knew there was an issue. So over time it just faded away.

  10. I had an ex that was perfect on paper but over time I realized that he was pretty boring. He was extremely career driven, which I looked up to, but he was ready to settle. I was still in school at the time and realized that I wanted more than to just be comfortable.

  11. I realized he thought I was stupid and didn’t really value me as a person. Rose colored glasses fell right off.

  12. Being emotionally abused. Getting called names. Parter had no respect & made me pay for everything. I didn’t know myself for a long time.

  13. I was in college and was coming down from an acid trip. This guy I had been obsessed with came to hang out. Somehow the drugs just magnified all of his character flaws. I saw him as a normal, flawed person instead of the god I had built him up to be in my head. I never felt the same attraction to him ever again.

  14. I was never physically attracted to him in the first place and that played a role, along with our different interests. Also, him only showing me affection when horny and disrespecting me in front of others regularly, and generally emotionally abusing me.

  15. I fall out of love a little bit each time I see someone lose control of their temper. It’s so unsexy to watch someone yell and scream. I worked hard as I came into adulthood to control my temper, I just can’t stand to be around people who cannot.

    As an aside, it’s worse for me when people act like it’s not their fault and they couldn’t help it. If you can control it at work, with friends, with your mother, etc. then you’d choose to control it with me, too, if you respected me enough. (And if you don’t control it in those other contexts, I’m 100% not trying to be with you.)

  16. Seeing him get nervous with the idea of me rejecting them. Over talking, over laughing. He’s a nervous talker so I can just stay quite for a long time and he will go on and on. I love him. But I’m not sure if I’m in love with him.

  17. Constantly asking me to share my emotions and talk to them if I have something on my chest but then being defensive when I actually do share my feelings.

  18. Yes. The way my ex-husband acted after our first child was born. It happened rather quickly and I was never able to recover those feelings.

  19. Being sober and seeing him drunk (multiple times). Struggled to find him attractive even when he was sober as kept seeing that blubbering, slurring mess in my head and found it pretty gross.

  20. He treated me horrible over & over so i just went very numb and lost all feelings. Being a bad partner is such a turnoff to me.

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