[a rant.]

or pretty guys for that matter. imo some people seem to think that if you’re attractive and fit, and take care of yourself and have talents that impress others, that you’ll find yourself having people wanting you. but no, that’s not the reality at all.

yes, being attractive has its upsides, since that is *part* of what is important in a relationship, to be attracted to your partner. but that is just *part* of it. there is also the other half which includes how the person acts in general, if they are kind and reasonable towards others, if they have a welcoming personality, if you feel a connection with said person… that is also part of the package.

but that last part is so important. the connection. if there is no connection, you can forget about everything above that. the personality, and the kindness, and the attractiveness… that just goes out the window if you don’t vibe together.

and it hurts for me to write this, because i myself feel attractive, i feel like i am nice and kind and helpful to everyone around me, i try to smile when i can, i try to smell good and look presentable, i joke around and get sarcastic… but none of that really mattered with the person i liked. because yes, they seemed to like me, they seemed to give me all the attention, from eye contact, to checking me out, to being helpful during my most vulnerable times. but it was all in my head. there was no connection. there was nothing between us at all. the likeness was one sided. and to think i wasted a whole year on my feelings for him.

so no, not all pretty people get the luck, unfortunately. but that just means that pretty or not (honestly everyone is beautiful, but beauty is subjective), we’re all just humans trying to survive the wicked darkness that love spirals us into.

[idk tbh.]

  1. Amen.
    I would not say that it is about your beauty or not.
    There are just people that are excessively selfish.
    But yes you do have to filter men better cause we mostly want to have sex with you.

    Bottom line yeah, love is war. Good luck, you seem pretty awsome compared to other women and im not talking about your physic. You’ll get there eventually.

  2. Are you describing a crush that didn’t work out, or an actual relationship?

    Because it sounds like a crush by the way you describe it. Attraction must be mutual. The way you find out is by pursuing a relationship with that person.

    Eventually, you learn how to exit earlier when someone won’t commit. You just form better boundaries for the next time.

  3. Being pretty opens up the way to create a connection, but it won’t maintain it by itself.

  4. Being very physically attractive is like being rich, you attract people who value your physical attractiveness or wealth much more than they value the real you, maybe not caring at all for the real you.

  5. “wasted a whole year”

    You really should have canceled after a month. I assume you’ve learned a big lesson. The connection is so important.

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