I’ve been texting with this guy for more than a month. Up to this week, I was completely chill when responding to his messages, but now my anxiety raises to the roof when I want to text back, it usually takes an hour to just send a simple message. Nothing weird happened between us that would cause this. It’s driving me insane, cause I liked him for a while but I feel like I’m ruining a chance with him.

1 comment
  1. Been there, and honestly it’s probably because you’re developing feelings.

    You’ve been texting for a month, so clearly he likes you and your conversations, so try to keep that in mind when replying.

    Avoid responding when you’re too euphoric because there’s a big chance you may come across desperate and too strong. Remember he’s just a guy, and while you like him there’s millions out there, so no need to panic and just do your thing, no pressure. If in doubt before responding, send a screenshot to a friend to see if you’re coming on too strong, but don’t become dependent on it either. Good luck OP.

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