I love my gf we’ve been together for 3 years and still going strong the only thing I hate most about her is when she keeps comparing herself to other girls like “I want bigger boobs like her” or “ I wish I was skinny” she is already perfect the way she is and yet she wants to be so skinny like those models you see that are so skinny they are literally skin and bones. I know I shouldn’t get mad as people will say this is normal for girls but it’s just that I spend everyday making her feel special, making her feel that she is so much more than enough already but I feel like everything and every effort I put to make her appreciate herself is wasted and I’m tired of this kind of routine that she does

1 comment
  1. Her insecurities are her own. Yes it’s nice to hear from your partner that you look great but it’s more of a bandaid. She needs to change her insecurity from within herself. She needs to be able to tell herself that and believe it. You’re feeling drained so you need to also set some boundaries of your own as you need space for yourself. Compliment her also on things not related to her body. Or if you do compliment how she dances etc. Tell her it makes you sad she feels that way because that’s not how you view her and ask her how you can support her to not feel that way. This last part will help her realize that it does effect you in a way and that you sense there’s a problem and that you’re trying to support her to NOT continue to feel that way. It’s not directly saying it all but it should set off something in her head of how this affects you too, it’s a bit of an issue, but are supportive of making her now feel that way.

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