How long do you usually last in the bedroom?

  1. As long as my wife needs. I do word puzzles in my head to slow myself down. Or math. Or think on that book I’ve always wanted to write that ADHD and impossible personal standards that keep my from finishing.

  2. you’re supposed to last a couple of minutes but with experience it lasts longer.

    and if you’re giving like me then i come only when the woman wants me to ! and that could take 30-40 mins.

  3. Ohh…I usually just bust just as my woman is starting to cum…ruining her O. It’s so sad. I’ve told her not to say anything about cumming; just to focus on the feeling to help me not get all over- excited when she’s getting there.

  4. My husband can last anywhere from 3 minutes to an hour, depending on the situation and if we’re having sex for just him, just me, or both of us.

  5. True story. Im 60 and need to take drugs for sex. They work too well. On more than one occassion my gf (59) has tapped out after about 45 min. And she loves sex. This is a self esteem story. My ability was in decline for years and for me anyway it was depressing. The drugs have helped my mental outlook a lot. I feel 20 again. I feel a need to get that message out to others my age.

  6. Depends and the situation, married with kids so if it’s a quickie that’s needed that’s what happens, usually 15-20 minutes, if we have time for longer it lasts longer. Also have nearly no refractory period so if I cum it doesn’t change the game much at all.

  7. 10-20 minutes depending, I can go longer but that requires pacing myself more consciously which takes away from thr fun of it

  8. You see this question occasionally on Reddit, and I truly do not understand how anyone would know the answer with any accuracy. Sex is like one of the rare instances in my life where I can turn my brain off, not think, and completely lose track of time. Whenever I finish a session I couldn’t tell you if it had been 5 minutes or 15 minutes or 45 minutes. I can generally tell when one today might have been longer than the one two days ago, but that’s all relative.

    Are people literally setting timers? Or checking the clock immediately before and after?

    There’s no magic amount of time that will make it good or bad, so focusing on that is pointless. You gotta lose yourself in the flow. Don’t think. Just do.

  9. With my C-pap about 8hrs. if the cats are using me as furniture around 6hrs. Without my c-pap about 4hrs then the old lady wakes me up because I snore like two diesels fucking a cat with a death metal sound track.

  10. 5 hours if I’m lucky I can make it 6 hours but anymore than that is extremely rare.

  11. Depends how much I’m into the girl. If she’s really hot it can be disappointingly short. If I’m attracted to her but not in a “omg omg omg she’s so hot” then I can last hours.

  12. I usually have complete control over it. If we’re down for a quickie, I can be done in 5 minutes, 30 minutes or longer if we’re going the marathon route. I guess I could delay so long that I’d get tired and not be able to finish, but I know when my partner is ready and then I finish. (We’ve been together for decades, so we know each others signals well)

  13. Takes me about an hour to get some sleep, then I sleep around 8 hours and then takes me another hour to get out of bed so I’d say about 10 hours or so

  14. I f she is boring… probably 10 mins before i give up

    If she is playing along…. probably a good 30 mins

    If she is fucking dynamite… at least a good hour or 2.

    IM a guy that has to have some excitement…. aint gotta be a freak, but least pretend you wanna fuck the shitt out of me lol

  15. Usually it’s 3 to 4 hours. Sometimes it’s shorter if I’m tired or I find a hookup that is extremely talented. Then it’s 1 to 2 hours. Sometimes it’s longer (5ish hours) if she can keep up with me.

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