Edit I updated this post with what I wanted to write but can’t change the title of the post maybe a mod can help me please don’t remove this I really really need advice by the end of the day

Hey guys I can’t seem to post here I was wondering if there was a website I could publish to and then link what I wrote?

It’s really odd


Okay here it goes. 10 years ago I dated this girl for about 8 months. It was one of the best relationships I had however at the time she wasn’t ready for commitment and I was. Since she didn’t want to commit I opened up the relationship and could only do the poly thing for a little as I was emotionally exhausted. So I ended all relationships at that time and went about my life. Our lives more or less we’re crazy relationships and drugs with periods of being clean. However when I was getting high, she was getting clean and vice versa and since she has children I didn’t want to fuck up her clean time or jeopardize her children. My life. More or less transpired into me being clean of meth for 3 years and I’m doing really well.

When I got out of jail I happened to move to the town she lived in and hit her up and she didn’t respond. About a year later again no response. Then about 6 months go another message with no response. Then about 2 months ago she sends me a message and I just happens to be up and we got to talking and I found out she lost custody of her kids to her sister on some crazy stuff that happened with her dad while she was at work. Losing her kids sent her in a downward spiral where she was more or less whoring her self out to support her habit.

She told me she wanted to fuck but then like never showed up so I didn’t think anything of it. Then the next day she called me and asked if she could come over and talk about rehab. So we did and like long story short she went to rehab. Then a few days later her mother in law called her and told her she had to move all of her stuff or it was going to get thrown out. So instead of calling anyone she just amas and like takes a week to move her stuff and more or less agrees to sleep with this old dude if he can let her use his truck. Now honestly the shit she picked up is all trash.

So we take the stuff to the dude she calls her sugar daddy and like they’re not sleeping toghether but they did in the past yada yada yada and like it’s at this point she gives me access to her phone so I read the messages and she more or less is telling the truth. He has no interest in sleeping with her and was only giving her a place to stay and store her shit. He also personally told me that she rarely if ever stays there and when she does stay there it’s always problems. So like I’ll be real I haven’t been like worried about him at all. I’ve dated women who had sugar daddy’s and like idk it’s just something I’ve been around. I’ve also kept a woman for awhile but that was a tad bit different becuase she more or less just wanted drugs and good dick.

So like anyways we get her shit moved the whole week she was out trying to move her shit I kept her accountable for what she was saying and what she was doing and when she was deviating from what she said i more or less made her aware of her behavior, like I was taught to do, and then see why that behavior is having a negative effect on what she was doing. Also i she would occasionally call me after she got done something to more or less tell me she was going to visit a friend which was code word for going to get high and instead of telling her no don’t go do that because honestly she wouldn’t have fucking listened to me anyway becuase I know when I was using you couldn’t tell me a god damnend thing if I wanted to get high I was going to get high and literally there was nothing anyone can do.

So what I did was let her go get high but more or less kept her to a time line so I would ensure she would come back to my house until we got her back into treatment. So long story short everything is going well and were sleeping toghether and like it’s going well Ngl.

She checks herself back into rehab.
She leaves rehab and comes out and goes to my house, showers, gets some things and leaves. (I gave her a key). I also left a note telling her to call me. What she did was call a friend to go use his printer and then did meth and had her phone on silent for like 8 hours and at the end of this I was pissed at her and her sugar daddy guy wouldn’t let her stay at his house anymore.

So I explained her behavior again and she more or less understood what she did and why it was wrong and like I straight up piss tested her and she “passed the test” which like I didn’t see her take because when I got into the house she was in the bathroom taking it. She later admitted she added water to dilute it and she did a little meth earlier in day.

So she’s honest. She’s been honest with me the whole time. I’ve done nothing but help her and I’ll be honest without me she would still be using and she even admits that. I more or less told her I would be there for her until she gets her kids back and well that’s what I said I would do so I more or less have bound my word to that. This is the problem. I have to more or less go back on my word because of what transpired tonight. And I’ll get into it give me a minute. Sorry this is so long everyone it’s been a wild fucking emotional ride.

So like now I’m more or less the only safe place she can stay. And I’m okay with that we more or less had a heart to heart and without getting into it the rules were that we were in a relationship and that it was to remain monogamous until we wanted to open it up into a poly relationship and based on what I read from the sugar daddy dude I didn’t really give a fuck about him and didn’t feel threatened by him at all. I more or less thought they were just friends at this point.

Anyway today was a good day for the most part however she went to breakfast with her sugar daddy dude and then he took her shopping at the thrift store and a small department store. At some point in this her phone went up the street really fast and followed the path of the road and went to this liek trailer park up the way a bit but like her phone was in the middle of the field behind then trailer park. It was really odd. And i questioned her about this and she said her phone went all wonky. She was there for about 20 minutes. I only know all this because she gave me like family acces to her gps so I could always see her location and like this also really helped with trust.

Edit I lost the rest of what i fucking wrote some how but anyway

Long story short yesterday I saw a text from her to the sugar daddy saying she was going to stop over and fool around and show off the clothes he bought her and I brought this up and she was like what do you want me to say it was a joke I took out of context cause he said that I would have a problem with him
Buying her clothes and when she told me he was doing that I did have a problem with it and I addressed it and I thought we were good

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