
26 Male here. I wanted to ask if any other men here had similar experience. My girlfriend (2 years and half relationship which is stable) is kind of bicurious, and she likes to give blowjobs. That being aside, she asked me something the other day to try something..

I thought she was kidding at first, she wanted me to suck on a dildo strap on while on my knees so I could see if I like it too. I …. did it, and it felt very uncomfortable, didn’t hurt or anything, it’s just that position I’m not used to since I’m heterosexual… And wants me to try it few more times…

  1. My husband has sucked my dildo after it has been inside me, but otherwise I don’t get much from him doing so.

  2. Are you saying having a dildo/penis in your mouth was uncomfortable because it was big? Because this is a super common feeling the first few times you give a blowjob, and you sort out ways to make it work.

    If you’re saying that it was uncomfortable mentally, then you just might not be into it, and that’s ok.

  3. Talk about it with her- we’re you uncomfortable because it was something new? Or did you actually hate it? Would you be willing to try again or is it a hard no?

    Just communicate with her

  4. Well that’s not what I was expecting. I’ve had guys use strap ons on me before, but I don’t see the appeal in getting them to suck on it. If it makes you uncomfortable, just say so.

  5. Well, if it was something that you simply didn’t care for or were indifferent to, I’d tell you that you could indulge her every now and then. You’re in a stable relationship, so generally there’s nothing wrong with doing stuff every now and then for this reason. My GF doesn’t really love 69, for instance, but she knows I’m crazy for it and will surprise me sometimes, and I do the same for her when it comes to stuff *I* don’t like that much. Healthy, non-forced compromise isn’t bad.

    That being said, this doesn’t apply when you really dislike something. If it was as uncomfortable as you described, you have every right to explain that to her, and expect her to respect those boundaries. You know yourself better, but don’t force yourself to do stuff you hate just to make her happy, unless you have no problem with that.

  6. It’s ok to be fully heterosexual. Don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with

  7. I wouldn’t tell u to say no to anal (I think all men should try it a bit), but if u didn’t like being on your knees blowing a dildo DONT DO IT AGAIN!

  8. It’s perfectly fine to express your likes/dislikes and boundaries. If you don’t like it or want to do it again, say so. If you don’t say anything it’s going to keep coming up.

  9. Basically, after you guy did sexy time you should have done some after care and talked it over. At the core you’re doing role reversal play. And between a male and female I would consider it a heterosexual.

    Talk to you GF how she felt about it. Explain how you felt. Decide, based on how strong her feelings are if this is a hard limit for you, something you’ll compromise on now and then, or something that’s fine.

    I personally love strapon play and pegging. I don’t suck strapons, I don’t do feminization. People are free to pick and choose the kinks they like and don’t.

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