I just dont trust him anymore. he means the world to me but i feel like everything he says is a lie. like earlier he was with friends and i didnt know so i was like “hey what are you up to??” he said “with friends” and im curious so i ask “oh fun who?” and he automatically says “it doesnt matter its not like ur gonna ever meet / know them”. another thing is he says he doesnt talk to girls yet his snapchat is full of girls and recent snap chatting.. (pictures sent). i just dont know what to do, every-time i try to communicate with him he blows it off or gets mad at my opinion😞. we are 18, and 20. male and female im the female

1 comment
  1. Honestly from what you’ve said he hasn’t given any reason TO trust him. Trust is earned, not freely given. It’s also a process and can be revoked at any time.

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