When you sit in a car, how do you place the seatbelt. Do you place it in between your boobs, to the side, or just use the lap belt?

  1. A seatbelt has saved my life on more than one occasion so I wear it exactly as it’s supposed to be worn. Every time.

  2. I don’t really know lol. But I think between my boobs? I don’t really pay attention 😂 but I think that would be the safest way 😮

  3. Depends on the bra lol but you aim for between the boobs to also keep it from choking you

  4. I’ve never paid attention, I just buckle it in and it goes wherever it wants?

  5. Slicing diagonally between my jaw and clavicle, rubbing uncomfortably all throughout the ride.

  6. In the front, I cross it over the side. If I’m in the back, I just use the lap belt & place the chest strap behind me.

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