What’s your biggest insecurity?

  1. My partner has been my first, I’ve never been good with girls. If we break up I may never find someone again.

  2. Right now, I am in my dream job; I am a game programmer doing gameplay programming on a game I actually like as a player.

    My biggest bit of paranoia or insecurity is that I will find a way to fuck it up.


  3. My only insecurity are my long eyelashes lol but I get a lot of compliments from the girls about them so I’m learning to embrace them. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. I had a shit ton of people tell me that there’s absolutely no one that would date me due to my life style

  5. tldr: insecure about the distant future and all the resources I currently have that would lead up to its success.

    i’m back in college for the second degree and I’m scared it might be too advanced for my stupid puny brain (biochemistry BofS). my first one was just a lib degree a BofS

    I make a teacher salary, and FAFSA is not helping me out. so I gotta pay all of this out of pocket, which I can do slowly with budgeting, very careful budgeting. but I crunched the numbers and it’s a bit mathematically impossible unless I make a few tweaks, which I’m open to making. (some of the tweaks involve going to a community college for a couple of the classes, which I’m absolutely going to do)

    I renewed my lease and it went up by $80. I don’t know how much more it’s gonna go up when I re-sign next 9 months from now bc i’ll still be in uni.
    dude gas has me scared too. it cost 50.00 to fill up my nissan wtf

    it’s just an emotional, financial, and cognitive challenge and I’m absolutely fucking terrified. it’s just nonstop pressure in multiple directions.

    if push comes to show, I could simply just delay the degree or abandon it if I have to. so there’s always an end road if this road is not sufficient.

    Thank you to that one guy who read my long-winded bullshit 🤜🏾

  6. Im enlisting in the national guard as an old fuck (32 when I ship) and I really dont want to be the slow old guy. I am in good shape and train often but this fear will be in my head until i finish basic training.

  7. I (with years of inner work) have come to the conclusion my greatest fear is feeling insufficient!

  8. My voice barely dropped in puberty. It did a little, but was still pretty high. I was so insecure about it that I was pretty much mute from 14-16. I get “ma’am”-ed on the phone a lot, and they tend to mishear my name as the female version.

  9. I’m on the autism spectrum, but I’ve developed a bunch of compensatory mechanisms over the decades, and I can pretty much pass as neurotypical in most circumstances. My biggest fear is having missed something in my very deliberate personal project to be able to act normal in a variety of social and professional situations. My algorithm glitches, and all of a sudden I’m a pariah.

  10. When women shame me on dating apps cause of my height
    Im 5 ft 7 btw

    Like its the only thing a man cant change

  11. Having my first real relationship end in divorce. I’m not getting any younger and I’m slowly getting closer to that age where people date for marriage. I should just date younger honestly.

  12. Coming from a dysfunctional family and dealing with the pains from it now that I’m an adult…

  13. That women, as a whole, will one day wake up and realize that they’re better off without men and that I’ll be destined to live under an overpass until I die from exposure to the elements because my wife abandoned me and there’s no one else around that would want me either; since I’m not very rich, not very attractive, not very good by almost any measure.

  14. Personally it used to be height. Now I’m realizing that I am just a niche as a whole, thus putting me in a predicament where I believe i will never be loved at times. It comes in waves but I push forward and hope for the best.

  15. I made my living from my looks for several years. So my insecurity is based on my looks and body dysmorphia. Completely beaten into me by an industry that forces you to be something that is impossible to be.

  16. I had a really rough childhood and life in general. My mom is a freaking saint for everything she’s done for me despite how poor we are, but because of how rough things were, I’m more than a few years behind my peers in life. Most of them have families and are starting to buy houses but I’m still trying to get through college.

    Also, I’m 6’4″ and 300lbs. I’m working on losing weight. While I’m not particularly insecure about my weight, I think that once I am thinner, part of me will always wonder if any woman I’m with would have liked me had I been at my heavier weight.

  17. I always feel like my insight or help is always insufficient because people burden more work and don’t ask me for help much

  18. That I’m nothing but an ugly piece of trash and waste of space to everyone around me, and that all I’m doing is being a burden that continues to disappoint everyone.

  19. For me it was sex, ex partner degraded it. I studied and did so much shit to try to make it better. Nothing worked… made me feel like I was useless. We split… I fuck someone else def more experienced and older… said it was the best sex of her life and that I was addicting. Made me realize maybe I wasn’t the problem

  20. I don’t like my belly and I really don’t like my brain. Sometimes I think I may have autism and I have yet to get tested, but some simple things are just so *difficult* and I over-think about communication and saying what’s on my mind.

  21. My social ineptitude and general inability to interact normally with other humans.

  22. Being slim, 168 pounds at 6’2. High metabolism doesn’t help me much at 27…

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