Okay, I talk to plenty of people on Reddit. As expected, it doesn’t go anywhere like in real life dating.
I really thought this person was different, they were much older, patient, we got along and he wasn’t the best looking guy. I liked his personality. He allowed me to get comfortable and be open. I guess that’s probably where it went wrong. I eventually opened up about family stuff and he ghosted me.

Now that I think about all the BS, he sounded like all the other guys I’ve chatted with online. The ones where they try to impress you, woo you and convince you that they’re a “real man.” But when it comes to being a “real man,” they panic and run.

I’m so tired of wasting time on these guys. I’ve taken a break from dating IRL and this is what I get. Lol

  1. If you are trauma dumping personal stuff about your family that is probably not the best way to go

  2. Been talking to a guy on here and I really love him we have a relationship based off of honesty and being open and yeah we’ve got into two agreements so far where I thought he was going to leave but he hasn’t and sure he’s been kinda busy the past couple of days but he’s talked me even if that’s hey I’m still busy and I honestly appreciate him so much

  3. i’m glad to know i’m not the only girl who met people off reddit like that LMAO. i gave one a chance too, it didn’t work. he was too clingy texting me a million times a day i couldn’t get anything done.

    it’s another way to meet people i guess, and just like most of online dating, people can come with many known or unknown red flags. that u don’t know about til u start dating them

    i have found more success in genuine friendships, hopefully going to visit her when i’m in london this fall 😊

    i like to stick to meeting people in person, i found it has gone a lot smoother

  4. Big “It depends” right?

    A lot of variables as to why the other person bailed, don’t assume negative intent. (Illness, family death, fear of closeness, broken device, personal issues)

    I encourage my friends to be self-reflective during break-up’s or rejections.

    As a person in order to get the things we desire in life that always comes with gives and takes.

    Instead of aiming the anger pew-pews at this individual or the people you’ve dealt with in the past; try to gain insight on how you can improve:

    A)The people you fall for
    B)How you interact
    C)How you respond to failure

    The first step to being good, is being bad!

    There are nearly infinite fish in the sea, keep casting and enjoy the ride!

    My question to you is why do you assume they bailed because of something you did? 🤔

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