How close are you to your ideal self? What steps do you need to take to get there?

  1. Even few thousand years wouldn’t be enough. Being ideal is unrealistic.

    Instead, I work on my self a little bit at a time to constantly improve my self, but I dont seek being ideal.

    How do you measure or quantify ideal? What scale do you use? Who made the scale? What are the parameters in this scale? Who gave them the authority to be the judge of ideal?

  2. My ideal self isn’t mentally ill and has functional knees, so… I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen.

  3. like about 4 years away. i’ll be done with grad school & financially secure, hopefully with a long-term partner/spouse and expecting a baby. i never advocate for people to have strict timelines for themselves since it only puts you under self-inflicted pressure, but i’m a perfectionist :-/

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