My husband (60 yrs old) and myself (56) do not have the same opinion as to what cheating is. He has been talking to a young girl (25) via text and has even went as far as sending her a large amount of money. They have exchanged nude pictures of themselves which he tried to hide from me. When I asked him why he started talking to her he said she was going to come clean our house while I was out of town. Supposedly she never came. He CashApp her $650 during the month of March.
When I found out I freaked the fuck out! Then he went as far as to get a second phone so they could continue to chat.
Every woman has an underlying investigator within. I swear I could work for the FBI.
He hasn’t sent anymore money and hasn’t talked with her in a month, that I know of. He thinks unless it’s physical it’s not cheating. And this is not the first time this has happened. He is always talking shit to other women. It’s embarrassing and so disrespectful. He knows this hurts me but always promises to NOT do it again. I always want to believe him because I love him. When is enough, enough?

  1. Enough I’d enough, you deserve better!! It’s never too late to find someone who truly loves you. He clearly doesn’t.

  2. Auntie you are 56. You know he’s cheating.

    Man’s has a whole ass sugar baby.

  3. He’s cheating he just knows you won’t leave him so he never has to take responsibility and can downplay it.

    He knows it hurts you. He doesn’t care because he sees you as a doormat.

    He won’t care maybe until you’re halfway out the door and by then it will probably just be sweet words so you don’t try to leave if anything.

  4. That is cheating. It’s emotional cheating, which can easily turn into physical. Personally, I would leave. My ex-husband cheated. My life is better and much more peaceful without him in it. No more caring about what he is up to.

  5. So he exchanges nudes and sends $650 (that you know of) to a girl who was going to come and “clean” your house… while you were away. There are more red flags than on Soviet parade.

  6. I would absolutely consider this cheating if I were you. I am 33. He is a cheater. Exchanging nudes is *obviously* cheating and if he oretends otherwise he is a liar. He is giving her *money* too, which is a whole other ball of wax.

    He is 100% cheating and all of his excuses are garbage.

  7. Cheating is anything that you would do with another person that you would not do in front of your intimate partner

  8. Cheating is defined by each individual in the relationship. So, you know if he is cheating or not because it’s up to you to define what that is for your relationship.

  9. Whether or not he’s cheating according to some abstract definition of the term, he’s definitely lying and hiding things that he knows you don’t want him to do. A relationship doesn’t work without trust.

    There’s stuff I don’t tell my wife, she doesn’t know I have a recipe for Nutella thumbprint cookies for example, but there’s nothing she’d be furious about if she discovered.

  10. $650 is not for cleaning the house. He was testing out the merchandise. Remember, they are already exchanging nudes. Save all the evidence you find.

  11. In my opinion, this is cheating. But my partner and I discussed this, and agreed upon it. I think that going to anyone else for your sexual needs counts, but some people are more into the physical contact definition. You need to reaffirm that this counts as cheating for you, and be willing to part ways if he doesn’t agree. This seems to be a hard limit for you, and that’s your call. You decide what cheating is. Ideally, you both agree.

  12. The second there was a dick pic it’s cheating. Hard stop. You don’t have an open relationship.

  13. love will never be enough for a relationship to survive. it’s built on a foundation of many things (trust, respect, time, etc) and it sounds like you don’t have a lot of that

  14. You don’t need to prove cheating beyond a reasonable doubt, you can just leave.

  15. He has done this before?? Screenshot everything, lock your dang bank account and call a divorce lawyer. He is paying for sex/nudes… whatever, it doesn’t matter because you aren’t ok with it and he thinks it’s fine. He will continue to do it too, because by staying you’ve told him what you will accept from him. You deserve better.

  16. You can’t seriously be thinking that any of his behaviour isn’t underhanded and doesn’t constitute cheating…. Every single part of it.
    Honey…. Take your head out of the sand. This guy is selling you a bill of goods. Don’t buy it.
    Stop discussing this with him and start talking to a lawyer.

  17. wtf? That money that he’s sending is half YOURS, I’d kick his sorry ass into next tuesday if that were my husband, tell that horny old bastard that you’re going to start sending money to a 25 year old stud and see what he says about that!

  18. That is full blown cheating. I can’t stand the whole “physical” vs “emotional” cheating debate on what counts. They’re both cheating to me, period.

  19. Ugh this is so ducking repulsive based on the age difference alone. 😬😬😬

  20. What’s great about this is he is being scammed by a romance scammer…

    He’s literally throwing away his marriage…for a romance scam. Jesus.

  21. Your husband is a creep. I’m sorry 😭 this is either a sugar daddy situation or full blown affair. Both are cheating when the spouse is being lied to and not consenting

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