What’s the popular tourist attraction in your state or city that you don’t get the hype for?

  1. Times Square. The same stores at Times Square are found at every mall. The lights and billboards are all ads. And the atmosphere is sticky and packed.

    Why would you ever go to such a place??

  2. New Orleans, the more time I’ve spent there the more jaded my opinion of it has become.

  3. It’s my home town. To kill a mockingbird is very popular for some ungodly reason.

  4. Times Fucking Square. I don’t get it. It’s just ads. Very big ads. Very big ads, strip mall tier restaurants, and public urination. That’s all it is. You ever seen an ad on TV and thought “wow, I wish this ad was the size of a building, and there was a methheaded piss soaked Elmo nearby soliciting money and denying the Holocaust.” No! Of course not! No one fucking thinks that! No one has ever been to an Olive Garden and thought “oh boy I wish there 20,000 people here with me!”. It’s a disgusting, overcrowded, garish mess that tourists inexplicably decide to get a hotel near, spend their entire vacation inside of a 10 block radius, then they go back to Topeka or Tuscaloosa or Grand Rapids or Spokane, hop onto Reddit, and bitch and moan about how overcrowded, garish, and disgusting NYC is as though that hellhole is in any way representative of what life in the city is like.

    Every fucking time I have out of town relatives come visit they wanna go there. Every time. I ask what the hell the appeal is, and they tell me “oh, there are just so many lights! It’s amazing” and I’m like what the fuck are you, a fucking moth? Get bent.

  5. The Mall of America. I mean, it’s cool how big it is I guess, but it’s just a really big mall.

  6. Kitty hawk.

    It’s a big ass beach with some hills.

    I mean shit the wright brothers were from Ohio and picked the beach to test the plain. It wasn’t even built here.

  7. South Beach. It had a good run from the mid-90s until relatively recently, now it’s lots of empty storefronts, crumbling architecture and way too much violent crime.

  8. I think they are all great, I’m trying to think of one I wouldn’t suggest and I got nothing.

  9. The beaches, it’s a fake beach and the water is nasty. Now Ship Island i understand but the basic beaches i don’t understand at all

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