Can someone honestly tell me what they think happened? Was I played or did he realize that it was starting to become a relationship and didn’t wanna lead me on and he knew I wouldn’t be down for a fwb thing?

So we were seeing eachother for over a month. We’ve gone on dates and I’ve spent the night and even stayed there to sleep in when he would have to leave to go to work. We would also text about everyday. I’d say we saw eachother once a week. We didn’t hook up all the way (sex) until the fourth date and that’s when he agreed to be exclusive. He knew that I needed that in order to have sex.
Eventually over time it got to a point where we’d both mention how we need to get together soon and he’d reply that “we definitely do” but then he wouldn’t try to make a plan or if he was out and about during the weekend he would get too “black out “ to try and meet up. I will say he goes pretty hard when he goes out, and I feel he has a drug issue. But now it’s been 3 weeks and we haven’t seen eachother and he kinda stopped texting me this week. So I’m assuming he isn’t interested but I don’t understand what went wrong?
I’ve met his friends and even they were congratulating him on how I was a great catch and were even surprised that he could get with someone “out of his league”.

I guess I don’t get how he wouldn’t want to see me to even hook up? He waited all this time to be able to hook up with me and now that we have reached that stage he doesn’t try and see me? We have only so far had sex 3 times.

Another note is he did have a serious college gf of 5 years where they seemed very in love. I don’t know how she put up with his drug use but maybe he didn’t start using until after. They broke up over a year ago and then he started dating this other girl for 6 months but they broke up in January.

We’re both late 20s if that helps.

  1. I think that he might be interested in someone else.

    Don’t feel bad. This happened to me as well. It’s like, “Oh, I’m not even good enough for FWB?” I also reject people, too, so I get it.

    Do yourself a favor and move on.

  2. His end goal was to sleep with you. He enjoyed the chase got what he wanted and now it’s over, there’s no excitement for him. This guy is probably talking to a lot of girls so he has options which is why he isn’t pushing to see you again.

    It hurts, especially when you like the guy and it’s always gonna be a risk whether you wait or not. He’s shown his true colours now so as hard it’s gonna be, enjoy what you had with him but now it’s time to pick yourself up and move on, this guy wasn’t meant for you

  3. > We have only so far had sex 3 times.

    If he’s into drugs, they’re likely his first love and his interest in you is secondary.

    After three times, he may have felt it was about time for a change and someone new. It may take much novelty to keep the interest of a drug user.

  4. If I may, how was the sex? Was it great chemistry? Was it fun for both parties?

    Sexual compatibility is a huge thing for some partners. If he wasn’t feeling it, or if you didn’t appear to be enjoying it, it could play a role.

  5. Some guys just lose interest after sex. Or that was the main goal. It’s immature and he sounds immature and like he’s not looking for anything serious right now. Probably has a few options and is the fun, cute, jerk who has coke lol

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