I [25F] went on my first date with this guy [25M] since my breakup with my ex of 6 years. I knew this guy from highschool when we had class together and it was someone I always kept in contact ever now and then. I would post pics of myself to IG and throughout the years every now and then he would compliment me but we both always kept a boundary since I was in a relationship, so I would thank him for the compliment but nothing more. Well after my breakup he was the only guy that I really wanted to talk to. We began messaging through IG and really hit it off. At the time of us talking I was on a vacation and he was away for work so it took about a month until we finally met in person. We just had our first date this past weekend and I thought things went pretty well. I was very nervous since I had not gone out dating in 6 years but as first dates go I didn’t think it was bad and enjoyed my time with him. Our date went on for about 3 hours and we hugged goodbye. I told him how I still needed to give him my number since we were doing all this texting through Instagram DM for the past month. He put his number in my phone and I told him I would text him so he’d have mine. That same night he texted me that he made it home and thanked me for taking the time out to hang out with him and that he had a good night. I replied that I too had a good time. He responded that he was glad I made it home safe and I liked the message. A few mins later I sent him a message though text letting him know this was my number and made a joke apologizing for not being apart of the iphone gang. He replied back saying haha it’s okay! and I didn’t respond because I didn’t feel like it was really a message to respond to. Well since then I haven’t heard anything since. I thought the next day after our date he would have sent me a good morning text but I didn’t hear anything. Later that day I had gone to the beach and posted some photos at the beach to my IG story and noticed he looked at my story about 11pm last night and I still have not heard a word from him. 🙁 It’s beginning to make me feel very discouraged as I really did like him and I keep thinking maybe there was something I did that turned him off or maybe on his end he didn’t think the date went as well. How long after the first date is it typical for the guy to reach out again? Should I reach out to him instead?

  1. I say reach out to him maybe he’s thinking the same thing you’re thinking Yk? You’ll find out that way where you guys stand

  2. Dude do not reach out yet . You normally wait three days after a first date . Just to make yourself not seem overly into it . Wait one more day and hit him up tomorrow.

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