what was the moment that you realized you were attractive?

  1. two times: when i dated a model who i thought was extremely out of my league…second was when a gay guy told me. that i think hold more weight because they tend to be extremely critical

  2. I’m so confused on where I stand lately. Some women act repulsed by my existence and others seem to just be stuck in my gravitational pull. I assume I’m average and just look good to certain women

  3. I’m not sure if I’d consider myself particularly attractive right now. But, when I was younger, the first time I actually started feeling myself vis-a-vis women/girls was the summer after HS. That was the first time I got any real “open” attention from them, anyway.

  4. When I was hit on by a 20 something gal when I was in my 30s (and already graying in my beard.)

  5. I was average looking when young but I’m realizing that I’ve gotten better looking with age

  6. I like how I look. As long as I don’t see myself in a photo. I wonder if I have some degree of body dysmorphophia though.

  7. sometimes when I get dressed up, the sales or customer service ppl ask me if i need help.

    usually they walk right past me

  8. Mmm, well I have a big nose and I’ve always thought because of that I’ll never be truly good looking.

    But, I’m 40s now and I was reflecting on all the women I’ve had a thing with in the past or know that are into me, and my wife, and I realised that they’re definitely well above average. So probably I am too.

    And then I used to think “why do I never see girls check me out” until I realised the differences in how we do that. So now I do notice sometimes.

    And I also realised that when I look at a woman I don’t give a shit about individual features, and all those little insecurities, it’s the combination of everything that you look at and are attracted to. So it’s the same for them too, you are the sum of your parts. Maybe that big nose doesn’t matter so much.

    And then I also realised that being attracted to someone is more than what they look like anyway. So I try to be a confident, friendly, funny interesting person and that helps a lot too.

    It took me longer than it should have to piece this together.

  9. In my 2 week internship a colleague next to me looked at me quite frequently and was giving clear signals she fancied me. Her job was unfortunately long hours and she lives very far from me.

  10. When I realized whenever I was single a hotter girl than the last would make a move on me eventually and trap me in another relationship.

  11. When women in public started looking at me, catcalling me and and one woman stopped dead in her tracks. I swear when I was just average looking it was rare a woman would look in my direction let alone look me in the eyes. When I lost weight, started working out and dressing better, I’d catch someone’s glance at least a couple times a week and even reciprocal smiles sometimes.

  12. I’m a solid 6.5 or so.

    I might not be a 10 to everyone but I’m a 10 to someone.

    I’ve been stalked which isn’t a fun experience. Didn’t bother to ask them if it was my looks or not since some of them tried to physically harm me. “If I can’t have you then no one can” is not something you take lightly especially when they try to run you over with their car.

  13. Someone once told me that if I put effort into being good looking, I could make it into an Ibiza boat party.

  14. When I was in the 8th grade and noticed girls looking at me, smiling, and on one occasion blushed when I waved.

    Quickly I learned that being a decent looking guy doesn’t carry nearly the same currency as being an attractive woman. It’s like having big wad of cash but its Mexican pesos. You think it will get you a lot farther than it actually does.

  15. Once I got out of my home town, I was sitting on the floor outside of the gym where my final exam was being held for my first year English class in University. A photographer approached me and asked if they could take my picture for a monthly feature that they did in their huge regional paper. It was random photos of attractive guys and then, at the end of the year the public got to vote on which guy got to represent the city in a National Modeling competition at Fashion Week in New York.
    I hadn’t slept all night, I was running on two pots of coffee and only a shower and ran my hands through my hair (which desperately needed to be cut) and had ran to catch the bus. Yeah, okay, I have to learn Beowulf.
    I won.
    I was given a manager. An agent and a trainer. What? I got flown to the Netherlands for a hair show. Umm, okay. Never saw a thing outside of the hotel in Amsterdam. They bleached my hair white, then dyed it back to my color after the show. I guess I/they won. To me, I looked like an albino woodpecker.
    I walked the stage in New York with a supermodel, Monica, a really nice Canadian girl, total sweetheart, and I got featured wearing Alfred Sung from the movie The Untouchables in print and in several live shows. I guess I was the perfect size for a male model. But man, do they treat male models like scum. No thanks. My kids don’t get it and don’t even care. And that’s totally okay. lol

  16. In 8th grade we had some class activity where we anonymously write nice things about them and someone said I was cute.

  17. I attract tons of married women, girls in the 17-19 y old range and Latina women over 45.

  18. when it started to get back to me in uni that ppl were bragging about having slept with me

  19. Reading this sub and finding out how little sex men have.

    I always knew I was pretty good with woman. Legitimately shocked to learn how much my brothers are starving.

  20. After that I lost 60lb and about 2 years in the gym. Women started to compliment my arms, chest, and legs. The bravest ones would say “you have a black guy’s ass”.

  21. It makes me seem a bit narcissistic but every now and then I look at myself in the mirror and I dunno, I think I’m attractive…well for me. Have absolute nooooo idea how attractive I am for women.

  22. 11th grade.

    Puberty hit, I grew several inches (to 6’2). Facial features filled out. Muscle formed. Lean. Suddenly, I looked “handsome”.

    Due to bullying/teasing in grade school I was quiet shy, but in that year, women who put me in the friend zone started outright offering to have sex with me, wanting to be my girl friend, being shy around ‘me’, grabbing and touching on me, etc.

    It still catches me off guard how smitten women are just walking around. Other then dress fairly stylishly, I do nothing intentionally for such reactions. I think that stems from all the years growing up the outcast, it still baffles me, at 33.

    It feels like how someone who was born poor who suddenly hit the lottery for a million. On paper, they are rich, and society says they are, but do they feel it? Do they believe it?

    That’s what that moment was like from me, because all the years prior weren’t that great to me.

  23. A girl that I’d been at school with for 2 years asked me “Are you new here?” in a flirty manner and continued to flirt with me.

  24. Throughout my life, I had women say my eyes were nice, they’re a light shade of brown and have long lashes. Unfortunately I never was/an super interested in the dating market and as a kid made me do everything possible to avoid teenage women cause I was that shy.

  25. I know I’m not but my girlfriend always tells me I am and that is good enough for me

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