I turn 30 in a few weeks. I want to dedicate the next decade to my health and my wellbeing above anything else.

My 20’s have been mostly filled with teetering the fine line between trying to have as much as fun as I can and finding stability to build my future on, and I have to say it’s been a hell of time. So much that I feel like I actually wasted my 20’s!

What have you men found once you crossed into the new decade that helped you find peace in life, while still enjoying your time? I struggle a lot with indecisiveness, regret and fear of the future amongst other feelings.

I’m hoping to be healthier, be more productive and more calculated and have the most fun of my life up to this point.

  1. Got married at 30. Had a kid at 32. Changed jobs twice at 33. In essence, my priorities changed positively and family because I wanted my life to be about something bigger. I’m enjoying life a lot and finally understand what my own parents told me 25 years ago.

  2. I changed my diet and I am working out with a strong discipline.
    But the real deal was staying away from toxic people that means fake friends, some co workers, relationships and even family. If I find someone is not adding something positive to my life well I dont want that person around.

  3. Realising your life begins in your 30s. Assuming I livw until my 70s I still have anothet 40 years. Thats a long as time.

    I spent my 20s as if I was not going to live past 30.

    Working hard. Saving hard. Dating hard. I went hard out and realise now its ok to slow down.

  4. Your twenties are supposed to be turbulent and confused. If they are not, you are probably not trying hard enough to figure out who you are. It sound like you used your twenties very efficiently.

  5. Think of it this way. There is no difference between 29 to 30. It’s because you have 10 fingers and we use base 10. All psychological.

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