What is one thing you would change about yourself if you could?

  1. My food allergies. No dairy, no poultry, no shellfish. I hate going out most of the time now.

  2. More interest in being social. I’d be a superstar but I just can’t seem to care.

  3. I would chang how i deal with things that should make me feel some sort of emotion. I dont really feel sad or happy or anything in-between, most of the time its like im in an permanent emotional gray area. I am dating a great woman who is helping me with it.

  4. Bigger dick

    I have a lot of self image issues because of it and because of some comments people made over the year and while my girlfriend loves it and literally everyone I’ve been with has said it was literally the perfect size and I know it’s slightly above average.

    I’m a grower not a shower and I’m extremely self conscious at urinals because I’m a sasquatch of a man who packs a baby carrot flaccid.

  5. I would try to be less empathic with everyone’s problems. People tend to confide in me with all their issues. Above that I am a doctor and I cannot let go of the empath side of me and always get involved and care too much for my pacients, make them comfortable, make their relatives comfortable, talking a lot with all of them. It is highly useful for them but very damaging for me.

  6. I would either be 4-6 inches taller, have perfect hair or not have aspergers.

    If I could get one of these changes my life would improve a lot

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