What is something you and ur SO do to make sex playful and fun?

  1. Toys.

    Get one of those vibrators that sucks onto her clit, I think ours is called Satisfyher.

    We also have a toy that goes up inside her and vibrates her inside and out, we can even control it through a phone app.

    Sex is the funnest thing on Earth. It’s not hard to “make it fun”.

  2. Inside 😉 jokes. Smile and laugh. Verbally tease each other. Be silly. Blow a raspberry.

  3. I like to tell a really funny dead baby joke I know as a form of foreplay.

  4. I like to get my wife to wear cat ears sometimes. So sometimes she’ll just meow at me randomly which kind of starts the build-up

  5. I rent a fog and soap bubble machine for the night. Also I’ve rigged the bedpost with cold fireworks. Everytime she cums she presses the button and one of the cold sparkles light up in celebration.

  6. Baby oil sex. Lay down an old sheet, or a painting drop sheet, cover eachother in baby oil and have at it. Don’t knock it till you try it.

  7. One time when I was putting on a headband so that I my forehead sweat wouldn’t drop on her face, she joked asking if I was a witch doctor. We both stopped fucking and laughed for around 30 seconds. I loved that

  8. Role playing, usually in some way or another thst adds a little tension or a feeling of “but we shouldn’t be…”

  9. Either remove or superactivate a sense.

    Blindfolds, ear plugs, ice and warm breath alternatively on hot spots, restricting movement without holding or using ropes/cuffs etc. That last one is the best by miles.

  10. Hotel sex every now and again. Its a fun night of just being cheap whores with one another. No obligations of home or putting dishes back, towels go on the floor.

    Bring champagne and plenty of water and an overnight bag and just have at it.

  11. Sex isn’t supposed to be fun. It’s just for breeding. That being said…..anal.

  12. We have a wheel that we spin. Each space has something on it like wax okay, sub or dom, rough, sensory play, etc. we play Rock Paper Scissors to see who gets to spin the wheel and who ever spins the wheel gets to decide who does what when we spin the wheel.

    We also got The Adventure Book bedroom edition and that’s been a lot of fun too. One of the first challenges was “Simon Says” and that was a lot of fun

  13. I like to use as many cheesy innuendos as possible leading up to going to bed. For example, we have sausage pizza and I’ll say something like “don’t worry, I’ll make sure to save some sausage for you tonight”. If she joins in with equally silly comments then we know it will be a fun night.

    Also, I think this works better because we have young kids and they don’t even register that we’re saying anything dirty so it makes it a little more fun.

  14. Me and my ex wife liked to bring other blokes into our sex life. Although I was never told or never there.

  15. Talk about no-sex related things during. Makes us giggle and brings us closer. Then
 gets hotter as we realize how close we are.

  16. Oral sex. We stand on opposite sides of the room and yell FUCK YOU! At each other.
    Sometimes the neighbors join in.

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