My gf and her friend (F25) got together one night. We were all going to go out together but I decided to go play poker with some boys. My girl and her friend went to a local dive bar a couple blocks from her apt. We were texting back and forth all night and everything seemed fine. I ended up finishing playing poker around when the bars close so i headed back. She texts me that she’s very drunk and then stop responding to texts or calls. I get there around 30 minutes later and she’s outside the bar talking to a random dude in a big group outside the bar. She hugs and kisses me and tells me she’s super surprised to see me. I get told she invited everyone to her apt for an after party. We get to her apt with 7 random dudes and she’s acting super drunk. Shes twerking, doing cartwheels (her tits end up falling out) and just being extra touchy and flirty due to how drunk she was. She told everyone at the bar she had a bf and wasn’t trying to do anything, but it was clear some of the dudes were trying to smash. I tell her this situation is the same as if me and my boy were out and I invited a bunch of girls back to my apt for an after party. Like what would have gone down if I hadn’t gotten back. The whole situation rubbed me the wrong way and while nothing happened (probably since I was there) I still felt like a little bit of trust has been eroded.

  1. Some people just can’t be trusted drunk. Personally I wouldn’t get drunk at all, reliable or not. It’s just not worth it.

  2. She *only* invited these seven men to her apartment with you? No women?

    Even if she invited women as well, I would be super uncomfortable about her being “Touchy and flirty.” That’s just not okay in a relationship unless for whatever reason the other party is okay with it, which you clearly are not. That in itself is disrespectful.

  3. Now you know you can’t trust her if she ever goes drinking with friends. Move on man. Can’t be trusted

  4. Yeah unfortunately dude, she was drunk AF and wanted to set up a gangbang. Time to move on imk

  5. She’s the town bike and your the side wheel. This isn’t even red flag the is straight up black flag, unless you want to be a swingers but if you are here then most likely not.

  6. Something tells me she is going to cheat, drunken or not.
    I might be wrong but I wouldn’t trust her with the alcohol.
    Get out of the relationship before that happens.

  7. Geez she was drunk. People do dumb things when they’re drunk, doesn’t mean relationship over. Talk to her about and and tell her how uncomfortable it made you feel, and potentially how unsafe for her too. It would be different if it was a repeat behaviour.

  8. Why did you allow 7 dudes to keep coming? This ain’t India! Tell them to get lost. If they’re determined, call your buddies, or the popo…

    Also, lose her asap.

  9. Doesn’t sound good buddy…. I do wander what could have happened if you weren’t present…..thats right HULK SMASHHH

  10. wtf is going on with all of these comments ???? you bailed on her so she found other people who were down to get drunk because that shit is fun. Then she continued the party WITH you, told everyone she had a boyfriend and just let loose because she trusted you enough to behave that way.
    honestly if youre so big on projecting your insecurities on the women youre with and just sulk in a corner the whole evening sexualizing her just having fun then please break up with the poor woman and get yourself a housewife that doesnt like to party.

    she did not cheat. she wasnt going to cheat. her behavior crossed a line for you and thats valid but you HAVE to tell her that you are sensitive instead of whining on reddit like that or else she cant know what went wrong. i mean she did whatever she did in front of you. that means that this was just normal for her and that the two of you havent talked about your boundaries

  11. Talk to her about it… You have no idea what was going through her head. Maybe she’s just sociable, maybe she has lots of guys friends in general…maybe there’s a touch of insecurity going through your mind?…(not unreasonably so)

    Tell her how it made you feel… then take a bit of time to think it all through before making any big decisions…Don’t base the future of your relationship on a bunch of knee jerk reddit comments

  12. Dear lord that sounds scary. Seven strange men in the house.. Sounds like the beginning to a potential tragedy.

  13. You should have video her and then show her in the morning.

    Then see what she says.

    Stupid is what stupid does.

    Stay or break up after she would have seen herself and she said… no big deal.

    Red flags bud

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