For those who do, what’s the motivation to share unsolicited dick pics?

  1. I don’t do it but my guess is that they want to feel sexy and get compliments from girls because guys don’t get those a lot.

  2. I only do this with a very select group of friends who all do it to each other. It’s just for laughs nothing more.

  3. They are proud of it. They want to show it off. Men are very visual creatures.

    Basically it comes down to how differently we all think. Basically it’s a treat others how you want to be treated. They want to see nudes, they want to get nudes. So they send nudes. They want to be told it’s great, perfect, big, a turn on. So they can do the same to yours.

    They don’t really understand. Without asking it’s not something a lot of women want. It’s gross and creepy. They just think. Oh I want random nudes. Let me try this.

    Sometimes it works. So add that factor in they will continue to do it, until once again it works.

  4. Never done it. But imagine this scenario, it’s all fun until the other person behind the screen is actually just some guy on the sofa making fun of horny guys

  5. To find the woman who enjoy receiving them, not a good strategy but that’s probably part of the thought process

  6. A friend of mine used to do that. He legitimately thought he was doing it as a gift to make the chat they were having go smoother. He realized he was wrong. He lost a friend, but he knows better now. That is important.

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