Today I was out all day with my girlfriend, we went swimming and then cuddled for a few hours (might be factors) Once I left and started walking home alone. a sharp pain started in my left testicle and the area above the base of my penis slightly to the left. This was very painful and once I got home I checked myself the area above my penis and my left testicle were visibly swollen and still in pain. I thought maybe it’s blue balls so decided to masturbate which I hadn’t done in months. After Masturbation the pain was slightly reduced but still very painful.

Can someone help me and tell me how to get rid of the pain and the swelling. Or At least what the condition might be so I can do more reset

  1. Your best option would be to see a doctor. It could be serious, it could be nothing. But your going to get a whole range of answers here on Reddit which isn’t going to make you feel any better.

  2. If your doctor is closed I would go to the emergency room, this isn’t something that should wait until Monday, it could be nothing but it could be serious and it’s better to be safe than sorry

  3. Hate to break it to you but my son had a similar issue and the doctor sent us to the emergency room immediately. Those are signs of testicular torsion which can make you lose a ball if not treated ASAP. How old are you? It can happen at any age but most commonly in teen years.

  4. You need to see a urologist. I had this after a being nurtured but it was cause by my body trying to make good sperm and it couldn’t. My body couldn’t absorb it fast enough. Do you feel any lumps or growths on your testicles?

  5. if you’re in the UK call 111, tell them your conditions and if they think you need to see someone they’ll set it up asap. they’re 24/7 so call whenever pls. I’m sure other countries have a similar scheme

  6. The big risk is that you have testicular torsion. You would need an ultrasound to rule it out. If the symptoms continue, you’re going to end up in the ER one way or another. No reason to put it off. It is a serious emergency that will be covered by insurance, less deductible and co-pay.

    Once they rule out torsion, it might just be an infection. Have you and gf been practicing anal, by chance?

  7. Hopefully it’s just a strain of the suspensory ligament, which can happen if your dick gets pushed to far down or to the side while erect. But you need to get to a doctor asap in case it’s testicular torsion.

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