I’m deeply afraid of and worried with the Republicans.

  1. I’d be more worried about democrats but they both suck.

    I think it depends which country you live in atm.

  2. I mean I would say where are you coming from? There are some countries from whom it would make no sense to emigrate to America with the heightening political tensions happening right now unless you had a really good reason. Things are likely to get worse here unfortunately. But it’s a whole lot better than other places, so ig I’d just say from where?

  3. It depends how bad your current situation is and if you have skills to be succesful in the United States. This isn’t a great country to be poor in because there isn’t a great social welfare net, so I’d think about your potential career.

    In terms of the future not looking good, we are looking at a incoming recession and it’s increasingly difficult for people to buy homes because of rising prices. There is inflation but not rising wages. Our public schools are pretty bad in a lot of areas.

    To me all of these should probably concern you more than Republicans, unless you are more clear on what you mean. Despite what you may hear/see on Reddit, open racism/hostility to others/foreigners is INCREDIBLY frowned upon in America. In fact I saw more of it in a few months in Europe than I have my entire life here.

    If your worry is guns, then yeah they likely aren’t going anywhere, but the chances of you being the victim of gun violence are still statistically very small. Most gun deaths are gang shootings/suicides.

    If your worry is abortion, move to a more liberal state. Overturning Roe v. Wade won’t ban abortion in the United States, it will just leave it up to the states.

    TLDR: All in all I think the US is a great place to live, but it’s increasingly becoming more expensive and the economic future doesn’t like bright. I’d worry more about that, and what you can do for work here, than I would about internal American politics.

  4. Stop reading news and think about the practical things in your life:

    * Will you have a visa supported by your university or company?
    * Will you have enough money for housing, transportation, health insurance, and food?
    * Will the city and neighborhood you move to be safe?
    * Will your partner need a job? Do you need to choose schools for your children?

    Those are the real elements of life.

    The US is not someplace like Yemen where civil war is a real possibility. Every once in awhile, 1k people get bored of tweeting and decide to hold a protest with homemade signs.

    The rest of us stay home, eat dinner, watch Netflix, then the next day read about it like “wow that’s crazy” then resume normal life.

  5. You will need a visa to enter the U.S.

    Travel to the nearest US Embassy and start the application process.

    [Visa application](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate.html)

    [University/student visa](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/study/student-visa.html)

    [Work Visa](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/employment/temporary-worker-visas.html)

    Do you have enough money to support yourself? A job lined up?

    You can’t just fly in and start your journey. A lot of preparation is needed. Funding etc.

  6. If you have an opportunity to come, take it. It is hard to emigrate anywhere. Especially if its a short term thing like a student visa, I passed on a similar situation and regret it because now I have no way to try the expat lifestyle without fully commiting through a years-long process.

    If you are like me and facing a permanent-or-nothing jump…maybe reevalute in 2024.

  7. Republicans are not the one’s you need to worry about. But the Us is a better place for opportunity than most other countries. Hence why a lot of people move her.

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