Not counting cheating, violence or similar obvious red flags, when is the time to move on?

  1. You’ll know when to end it. The best time to move on is whenever you feel like you need to.

  2. When the thought of it continuing fills you with dread rather than happiness.

  3. When you find yourself crying more than laughing.

    Stressing instead of enjoying times in the relationship.

    Arguing instead of spending quality time.

    When they make you feel like crazy and belittle your emotions even though deep in your heart you know that those feelings are relevant.

    When you love them more than they love you. It should be equal.

  4. When you can’t imagine future with them anymore.

    When you’d often rather spend time alone or with someone else than them.

    When the relationship doesn’t make you happy.

    When you argue more than you enjoy spending time together.

    When you don’t really care anymore.

    When your values etc. are not aligned.

  5. It was when I realised I was happier when they weren’t around, and dreaded when they came home. No cheating or abuse or anything, just two people who were very different to who they were four years ago, no longer enjoying each other’s company. Things had been on a downward trend that whole year anyway, and I finally decided it wasn’t worth the fights, or fighting for, any more.

  6. When you know yourself, and you know that this relationship isn’t working for you anymore.

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