How old were you when you discovered porn?

  1. 5th grade. we had a porn ring in our neighborhood. Each of my friend’s dad’s had various smut. one had the vhs tapes, mine had playboys, others had harder mags. we just borrow from each other…like a porn library.

  2. 10? In hindsight a little younger than I think was appropriate. When my parents found out it was very embarrassing as well. My mom bought me sex education and puberty books to read because she was worried about the impact of that content on my young brain. Looking back on that now I’m pretty grateful that she did that because it taught me important lessons about reality versus for entertainment fiction.

  3. 7. Lost the v card at 9 from what I know nowadays could’ve been considered rape. But a 9 year old boy having his 16 y/o babysitter saying “just lay there” after having seen porn for a couple years, of course I’m not gonna argue. Boy I tell you what, the 90’s were something different. 🤣

  4. 12 or 13, can’t remember. And also shortly after, I realised I was gay because I noticed the “normal” porn everyone else liked wasn’t really my thing.

  5. I was about 4 or 5 and me and my older brother found some porno mags left near a dumpster. It was pretty hardcore stuff and our mother caught us and went ballistic.

  6. I was like 9 or 10 and was hanging out with two friends at one of their houses. He pulls out a VHS that I guess was under his parents bed.

  7. 7 when I found that channel at my grandparents house that my grandma didn’t know about.

  8. Last day of 3rd grade a boy brought in a harder porn mag. I don’t rememebr the name but I thought it was funny there were pics of girls peeing. I noticed that more than the boobs.

  9. Around 9. It all started by searching “boobs and vagina” on Google images

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