How common is it to go bowling with friends, family, colleagues in america?

  1. it’s pretty common. if you suggested this activity, it would be completely normal & you’d have no trouble finding a local bowling alley, having a beer and some cheese fries & having a good time.

  2. Common enough. I’ve been like four times in the last year even with covid going on.

  3. Bowling was much more popular 30 to 50 years ago. Many bowling alleys have shut down, including the bowling alley where The Big Lebowski was filmed.

  4. Common for me. Especially back east where it’s cold and snowy, a good indoor activity.

  5. I bowl weekly at least. I live in a city of nearly a half million if you count the outlying areas and small towns nearby (who also come here to bowl) and we have 10 bowling alleys. They are busy as hell too. On a Friday night, you have to call ahead and reserve a lane, or show up and wait.

    I bowl on a league and recently got my own ball and shoes. It’s a lot of fun.

  6. While still pretty popular around the Cincinnati area, covid restrictions have taken their toll. Brentwood Bowl with 48 lanes shut down and Colerain Bowl closes it’s 24 lanes 6/30/22 after 60 years in business. Our little bowling alley with 16 lanes with a bar/grill is still doing fine

  7. Very common especially where I’m from in the winter because it’s a fun relatively inexpensive activity. There are bowling leagues too.

    When our kids were little we would take them bumper bowling. They loved it. Common place for kids to have birthday parties.

  8. Yeah it’s pretty common. Kids enjoy it. Adults in enjoy it. So you see everything from groups of friends, families, corporate events, birthday parties, semi-serious leagues, etc. all commonly happening at bowling alleys. It also seems to be equally popular in urban/suburban areas. I can think of at least 5 bowling alleys in the city proper and another 3-4 in random nooks of suburbia I’m familiar with

  9. I’ve gone bowling maybe five or six times in my life

    I knew a guy that bowled enough he owned his own balls, which he talked about a lot

  10. Its incredibly common among the Military!

    Most military bases have a bowling alley as an amenity (and not a lot else), so “bowling culture” or whatever you want to call it has survived as a common activity among service members and their families.

    I’m a military brat and didn’t realize how much bowling I did as a kid compared to the average person until very recently. It was a lot of fun, incredibly cheap on base, and they had entire leagues and really good food!

  11. Not super common, but common enough that adult and kids leagues are still a thing. I think it was a lot more common when I was a kid in the 80s.

  12. I used to do that with coworkers from a previous job. We ranged from our early twenties to fourties. It was fun. You don’t have to be good at it.

  13. Common, I’ve gone once for a birthday celebration and 3 times on dates in just the past year.

  14. Going bowling is pretty common. Most smaller towns have a bowling alley you can go get some bar food and drinks at while you bowl.

  15. If you’re into it, yeah. Some folk go regularly and are in leagues. It’s even taught in our local high school as a physical education class.

  16. It would be somewhat unusual for a youngish American adult (20s/30s/40s) to regularly go bowling. Not that it’s bad, it just isn’t that common to have, say, a coworker who is in a bowling league.

    But it would also be very rare, and actually almost weird, to meet an adult in that age range who has *never* gone bowling.

    I joke that bowling is something for an American that it’s a little embarrassing to be either too good or too bad at.

  17. I’d say pretty common. Even if you’re with a crowd of people who haven’t recently done so, there’s almost always an alley around and everyone’ll be down for a game or few.

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