We have a living room/dinning room setup. We use the Dinning table for when we do fancy breakfast on the weekend and Sunday roasts but the rest of the time and we tend to eat our dinner sat in front of the TV despite the dinning table being there.

Am I scum?

  1. 24 and my partner hasnt moved in yet, i eat at my desk where i usually watch stuff on my PC

  2. I watched a fascinating documentary on Tortilla Chips hosted by Gregg Wallace on my Ipad Air whilst sat at the dinner table last night. I usually find something on Iplayer/Netflix etc to watch whilst eating.

  3. Sat in front of the TV. However, growing up we ate at the dining table and when I have children in the future, it’s something I’d like to bring back Monday – Thursday or so. Nice to have a family chat about your day isn’t it.

  4. I’m not judging you but I can’t understand why anyone would want to sit on a sofa with a plate on their knees. I want my condiments and my drink within reach and my trousers protected.

  5. We probably eat on the sofa once every couple of months. That would be a Friday or Saturday if we’ve ordered pizza to eat whilst watching a film.

  6. As a family we eat at the table together for dinner. The kids also have lunch and breakfast at the table too.

    If we are eating without the kids it’s usually in the evening watching TV in the front room.

  7. I always use the table because I find it more practical, we tend to have several dishes and plates. There’s a radio in there but no TV, so we just chat instead.

    But you do whatever you like, nothing wrong with eating on the sofa if you want.

  8. Normally eat in front of the telly, unless it’s a “dinner”

    But we got a new sofa yesterday so I’ll probably live up to my username and insist everyone uses the table for a while. Not that you can get near the table right now, since teenagers seem to think that any flat surface is a legitimate place to leave everything they can’t be arsed to put away properly (i.e. *everything*)

  9. When it was just me and my partner, about 50/50. Depends if there’s something we’re watching together like a food or travel show.

    Now we have kids, maybe once a month we let them have dinner in front of the TV as a treat.

  10. Family dinner – table . It’s just easier.
    Me – sat on the sofa in front if the tv as it’s the warmest room in the house.

  11. Growing up manners were very important but we often ate in the sitting room. As a parent now we are more relaxed but we always eat dinner at the table. No idea what that means but I like the family coming together at least once a day, even if putting the phones away is a battle.

  12. bit of a bit of b. Depends how tired we are, how smart or potentially messy what we’re eating is, and if there’s anything we want to watch

  13. At the table. We have a dog who likes to snuffle if she thinks she can get to the food.

  14. Well, if you’re scum then so are we because we do pretty much the same.

    Table and dining room (Ours is seperate from the lounge) gets used if we have guests, otherwise we use the lounge.

  15. Most of the time at my desk, locked away from everyone so they can’t see how much of an animal I am and how much mess I make.

  16. We eat breakfast at the dining table, occasionally have lunch or snacks there, but the evening meal is always on lap trays in armchairs watching some comedy on the TV. We keep our fingers crossed that the really funny lines and scenes don’t cause us to choke on our food

    The dining table also gets used for formal occasion meals, and when we have ‘company’

  17. We live in London, so our dining table is in the same room as the couch and the TV.

    We used to be sofa eaters (we have some quite high coffee tables to pop in front of the sofa). But we’ve recently switched to the big table as we noticed the sofa eating taking a toll on my back (I’m 6’4″ so already have enough issues!)

  18. When my partner is home, we eat dinner at the table. Breakfast/lunch are usually eaten at our desks.

    When he is not home and I’m eating alone, usually in front of the telly.

  19. I have a coffee table next to my sofa that props up into a real table so I always eat there. I never eat dinner on a dining table without any tv playing

  20. My wife has appropriated the dining room and table to use as a pottery studio, so I can’t even *see* the dining table under all the half-made in-progress projects and pots of tools etc…
    Yeah, so it’s breakfast and lunch at my office desk in front of the PC, or on our knees in the evenings. There’s no-one here but us now, so it’s not been an issue really. When the kids were here, it was always sat up at the table… but then it used to be ‘a dining table’.

  21. Sofa. I don’t have a dinner table.

    My coffee table does lift up to make it dinner table height though. So I could use it like one if I wanted. Or if it’s a nice day I could eat on the table in the garden.

  22. Depends what I’m eating, what time and what’s on TV.

    Something messy, generally at the table unless there’s some zport on i want to watch.

    Something less messy or later in the evening, I’ll tend to sit on the floor by my laptop watching TV.

    proper lazy frozen pizza nights, on my bed with the laptop on.

  23. I had a discussion about this with my wife the other day. She isn’t here most evenings because of work so I cook dinner and me and the kids sit in the lounge and eat in front of the TV… We’ve moved the house round a bit and we now have a large space… we’re discussing how to use it and my wife suggested a dining table and I said that it would never get used to which she said “but it should get used, we just need to make it a rule that we all eat up the table”


    This is good but me and the kids like eating in the lounge together and it doesn’t really effect her… My suggestion was a pool table but I think ultimately I might lose out on this one, haha

  24. I live alone and I’m a slow eater – I tend to mainly eat my dinner at my desk while doing some kind of creative thing.

  25. At the table cause the pets wouldn’t leave anyone alone.
    Watch something if I’m alone. But when company is over we talk on the base of “the family that eats together stays together”.

  26. I do shift work and on day shifts my partner and I eat separately as he wants his dinner before I get home. So those days we eat on the sofa. For most other meals we eat them at the dining table.

  27. At the table, for two reasons

    1. It’s just easier than balancing a plate on you’re lap.
    2. It’s a nice time to talk about the day without the distraction of screens.

  28. I live on my own so I eat in front of the TV in the living room or occasionally on the kitchen table in front of a newspaper/my phone

  29. Currently I live alone and eat at the table with the TV on. Only exception is if I’m eating something like pasta or something else in a bowl which only requires either a fork or spoon and I can hold in one hand. I usually do this after a long day where I’m exhausted and want a more comfortable way to eat.

    At home with my parents it varied. Some in front of the TV and we had small tables to eat off. But I’d say most times we’d eat at the table (which was in the kitchen). In the summer it would often be in the garden at the table there.

    Couldn’t eat off my lap and if it requires two pieces of cutlery then it’s table for me. Wouldn’t eat off of my lap and if the dining table is in the same room as the TV then don’t see any point in that. If I’m with my partner I’ll mostly eat at the table and chat.

  30. Always used to sit on the sofa out of laziness but now I have a toddler always at the table. Unless it’s a takeaway when he’s in bed

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