Seriously. This has happened so many times. At work,school, whatever. I’ll meet someone, we’ll hit it off okay, but then someone new joins or starts talking to them and then my friend just dips.

I’ll see they’re hanging out waaaay more than me and my friend previously did, and overall it feels like I’ve just been left behind. I know it’s normal to talk to new people and everyone has the right to new friends but fuck it sucks

  1. If you keep getting left behind, that means you were not compatible…and that’s OK. Just because you meet someone and have a nice convo, doesn’t mean they are a good match as friends – or even want to BE friends.

  2. Yeah, it happened to me a lot also but one time, I was on the other side of the spectrum and I actually felt bad for the one friend that was very obviously left out. She acted as if it didn’t reach to her (maybe it really wasn’t ) and started nurturing friendships with other classmates instead of trying to force her way back in between us or something. But I did feel bad, as it happened to me much in the past.

    IMO, there’s nothing you can do about it. Just wait for the school year or sth to be over and move on. If you’re not schooling even better and you can still have your own space at work

  3. Yeah, it happened to me a lot also but one time, I was on the other side of the spectrum and I actually felt bad for the one friend that was very obviously left out. She acted as if it didn’t reach to her (maybe it really wasn’t ) and started nurturing friendships with other classmates instead of trying to force her way back in between us or something. But I did feel bad, as it happened to me much in the past.

    IMO, there’s nothing you can do about it. Just wait for the school year or sth to be over and move on. If you’re not schooling even better and you can still have your own space at work

  4. Yeah, it happened to me a lot also but one time, I was on the other side of the spectrum and I actually felt bad for the one friend that was very obviously left out. She acted as if it didn’t reach to her (maybe it really wasn’t ) and started nurturing friendships with other classmates instead of trying to force her way back in between us or something. But I did feel bad, as it happened to me much in the past.

    IMO, there’s nothing you can do about it. Just wait for the school year or sth to be over and move on. If you’re not schooling even better and you can still have your own space at work

  5. This is why you don’t heavily invest in one person, no matter how close you are to them. People will always have other things in life besides you. You are not always going to be the main priority in people’s lives. Your lives are separate, not codependent. Now is the time you need to focus on becoming genuinely busy in life pursuing your goals and hobbies, while learning how to interact with other people on the side. Easiest way to get started is to find some kind of activity you enjoy doing and keep doing it overtime. You will build self esteem and self confidence. Chase excellence, not people.

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