Would you feel uncomfortable if your driver (taxi, Uber, etc.) was telling you you are very pretty and how would you react? What would you do?

  1. Yes. You’re literally hitting on someone that can’t physically get away from you without making a big scene, that’s wrong and creeps like that know exactly what they’re doing.

  2. It’s happened multiple times to me. I’ve called someone to listen in, I’ve asked them to be quiet, and I’ve even gotten out of the car at a red light before.

  3. Yes, I would be super uncomfortable and put off. I would probably try to deflect, and if they continued sexually harassing me I’d make them let me out and give them a bad review.

  4. I got out at the next red light and contacted rider support to report the driver. Also gave a one star rating which I just don’t do.

  5. Extremely creeped out. There’s no place for that and women have been killed or assaulted for rejecting advances like this.

  6. I would feel extremely uncomfortable. I’d probably say something like “thanks, my husband thinks so too”, just to shut it down without escalating.

    I hate that I have to announce that I already “belong” to another man in these situation, but it’s just too dangerous to risk angering the man who’s car you’re currently stuck in.

    After I was safe, I’d complain to the taxi company (I never take Uber precisely because it’s too dangerous).

  7. Open the door and roll out like Steve Carell at the beginning of Crazy Stupid Love…

    Okay I probably would not do that, but I would definitely call someone (or fake call someone) and start casually describing where I was and when I would meet them.

  8. Whenever I find myself in an Uber, it’s late and I am pretty drunk. Uber drivers are often men so I would definitely not feel safe to be alone in a car with him telling me I am very pretty. He might just want to be nice and compliment me for my looks but I couldn’t help wondering what he’s expecting from me. I would probably thank him, do a shy smile and keep my eyes down on my phone for the rest of the trip, ready to call someone in case of emergency.

  9. When I was 19 I didn’t have a car so I’d take a taxi home late at night after work. There was a taxi driver that would unfortunately pick me up every time and tell me how pretty I am. One time he decided to pick up more people and drop them off first instead of taking me the fuck home. I was scared lmao. I stopped taking taxis after that. So yea I would feel uncomfortable and idk what I would do if something like this happens again. Jump out of the car next time they stopped at a stop sign LOL

  10. Only if it was said more than once. People can have their opinion I’m pretty but harping on it and trying to get information about my personal life is where it gets creepy.

  11. I got really uncomfortable one time when a guy was telling me a PG-13 version of an inappropriate story after he complimented me. It was super creepy and I sent messages to multiple friends to let then know where to find me if something happened to me that night.

  12. Just reading this made me uncomfortable.

    Being in a car with a stranger who is talking about he finds me attractive is scary and I would probably smile to keep him happy and try and think of a way to get out of the car as soon as possible.

  13. This has happened to me on many occasions. I had one recently when I was taking rides back and forth to my internship. I had a guy legit question my personal dating life and it got bad then I reported after. Then I noticed he reported me to lyft afterwards my account was suspended for a week. I have had a lot of them try to flirt and I normally report after the ride.

  14. Snort. Ask if he’s delusional, blind, or where the hidden cameras are where his group of douchy friends are all laughing their asses off. Assure him that yes I will tip him well regardless and then go back to what I was doing.

  15. Yes. Sadly enough, telling someone they’re pretty is frequently a precursor to something sexual. Whether a driver does that purposely or doesn’t understand that, they’re not safe.

  16. Yes. That’s incredibly inappropriate from someone hired to drive you someplace who has you trapped in a vehicle with them. This is a business relationship only. I’m not there to be hit on or sexualized. I’d try to ignore them if I felt safe enough to do so and then report them and/or give them a bad review.

  17. My immediate reaction is to put on my RBF and ne rude. I know its a terrible defense mechanism but i never knew what else to do.

  18. Terrified as fuck & I want out of the car.
    He could be the most charming dude and I’d still feel like me being unable to leave the situation was by design, and it immediately feels predatory.

    His intentions are likely innocent, but the power imbalance of him having me in a moving vehicle would be impossible to ignore.

  19. I would feel uncomfortable if they kept pressing the issue. I had an Uber driver tell me I should be a model. I just laughed and brushed it off and he changed the subject. Had he continued on; I would be extremely uncomfortable

  20. Normally I work a non-existent boyfriend (or husband if I have my decoy ring on) into the conversation and they stop. Sad how quickly a man will leave a woman alone once he thinks he’s encroaching on another man’s “territory” 🤢

    If it was creepy and uncomfortable enough, I report them.

  21. God yes. If I was somewhere safe I’d ask to be let out and give him a terrible review. Not looking for that kind of ride, my dude.

  22. Yes and I had it happen to me in an Uber pool when I was 18. The driver and other male passenger said I was pretty and wanted to date me and the only thing that stopped them was me being “too young”. Ffs I jate being perceived in public by men. Please just fucking leave me alone I am so uncomfortable

  23. Yes. I would say thank you and then start playing or texting on my phone to give the clear hint that I don’t want to talk.

  24. Saying it once is enough. But continuously is very weird and would make me feel uncomfortable. Saying something is kinda a good and bad idea. He can either stop or he does something crazy, people in the world nowadays are sick and i wouldn’t put it past them to try and do something weird. So I’d probably just say thanks and try to change the conversation until the ride is over

  25. Yes and I report them every time. I usually brush things like strangers hitting on me off because I can handle myself just fine. However, I draw the line here. You will not hit on me in a locked vehicle without consequences. I’d hate to think how other women feel who take things like this harder than I do. FOH.

  26. Depends if I was a woman or a man. Like if it was a woman and she said wow you’re so pretty! Than who cares. If it’s a guy… I’d definitely be uncomfortable. Just because you’re in a situation that you can’t really escape and he’s probably eyeing you up. 100 × worse if the guy is older.

    I don’t think that’s a good reason to report them though like a lot of people are saying. Could be completely innocent. Unless he’s being persistent about it

  27. Yes. Recently a uber driver told me i was very pretty. He waited until we had arrived at destination, parked and i was getting out of the car (door already open). This made it a lot better it made it clear it was a simple compliment. Thankfully in that case i was able to simply say thank you and leave. I would have been extremely uncomfortable if he said that while i was stuck in his moving car & him having the ability to lock me in.

  28. This happens to me all the time. I usually just pretend I don’t speak English or get on a fake phone call and speak Italian. Then I give them a 1 start review

  29. That would be horrible. You cannot leave if you feel uncomfortable in that situation. It’s about power balance. In that situation the driver holds all the power and you can end up feeling really vulnerable.

  30. Yes and I would report it. If he continued in this way despite me not responding, I would get out of the car.

  31. I would say you are sick and may throw up. He will pull over rt away and then leave asap.

  32. I would think creepy and I probably wasn’t the first (or last) person that would say that to their cistomers

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