So, I am a divorced 35 year old guy, recently out of a crappy, controlling marriage and have been on two dates with a woman who literally walked out of my sexual fantasies. A little background info, I was married to a woman for 10 years, who I thought I loved, but was cheating on me for the last two, while also trying to control every move I made. We had an ok sex life for most of the marriage, but she was never exactly my type physically. I basically just loved her and grew to appreciate her body, until she turned out to be a liar. Now I have somehow been lucky enough to meet a woman who is physically everything I have always fantasized about. Karma is in my favor I guess, haha. She is curvy with huge tits, very laid back and funny. Things seem to be going well, and tonight she has asked to skip the dinner and just chill and watch movies at her place. She has been hinting at wanting to get sexual since the last date and has sent me pictures in a bra. She knows I have a thing for her tits and likes it, but I am still worried about cumming too quickly. We kissed after the last date and she felt so good against me, I was instantly rock hard. I’ve been replaying that over and over when I masturbate and cum super fast and hard. I just know when her shirt is off I’m not gonna last 10 seconds. So I guess I’m asking…women, how would you handle someone cumming so fast? How do I make up for it? And dudes, any advice? I’ve had such mediocre sex for so many years and didn’t imagine I would have a chance with a chick like this. She has asked me if I’ve ever fucked tits as big as hers and I told her no. Truth is, I’ve never really fucked any and she’s like a M cup. One thrust and I am afraid I’ll be done.

  1. Personally I’ve always thought people put way too much pressure on this situation – I wouldn’t mind (and would obviously be flattered) as long as you don’t let that put an end to the night. Basically if round 2 is imminent, round 1 isn’t that important.

  2. Just breathe and you’ll be fine! Helps to think about the most mundane thing you can. Maybe something you don’t like. It will distract your mind enough to keep you from cumming too fast. Most men face this issue from time to time and so you’re definitely not alone in this. And maybe be honest with her about your situation and hopefully she will be understanding. There is always round two!

  3. I don’t think this is a huge problem if you’re too excited because of her, i personally think it’s kinda cute and flattering someone reaches this level because of me. So it’s ok to “miss” the first round as long as you make it up in other ways (cuddling, kissing, oral, etc) and when ready for the second you should be okay to satisfy her even more. If this continues though then maybe you should see a doctor as something might be wrong

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