Hi everyone, I am 22 male and don’t have any friends. I am feeling lonely and super depressed.
I am not really good at talking and it’s pretty hard for me to open up to others but I am trying hard to change that.
Can someone be my friend atleast online or I am not really worth it?

  1. Everyone deserves to have friends. In the related communities of this sub you will find subreddits for making new friends.

  2. Sometimes i had to change a little to appeal to the social norm of fitting in —that’s just how it is even if it sucks but in the end it helped in communicating and making lasting impressions with new people. But it’s ok to not want to change but it was harder to find people who share my common beliefs and interests. Almost everyone you’ll meet will hide them true selfs. Maybe start there? Be the person who’s a good listener but make sure to show your attentive and caring. bc I’ve been where you are and I’ve done this without changing who I am for the benefit of others. Sorry if this was long or if I was ranting. Loneliness can really suck :/

  3. 29 y/o male here. Recently got my shit sorted but it is a struggle.

    Feel free to dm. I like making new friends!

  4. You can DM whenever you want if you need to ! Even to talk me about something else to change your mind
    Take care of yourself

  5. Opening up is not easy though, if anything people that have no filters are weird. Lol.

  6. Don’t ever say you’re not worth it. 20s are a super weird time for so many people. And sometimes when you least expect it, a
    person can randomly come into your life and change everything. Just always be yourself and know you have so much value!

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