Hi All

Im 26M and I just got into a relationship with 24F. We have been dating a little ovwr 1 month now.
Something to know about me – I have alot of guilt associated with sex stuff. I had an abusive ex who shamed my sex drive for years, so it can be hard for me to do the sexual part of a relationship without shame sometimes.

So 24F is from another country where the values are a bit more conservative. She has never had sex before.

Initially her being a virgin didnt bother me because our emotional connection is very strong and we communicate extremely well. We havent really done much (Ive done oral on her, shes only done some hand stuff on me bc shes not comfortable enough with head get).

But as the sex stuff progresses Im starting to get nervous. Im thinking in my head… what if our sex drives are completely different? What if she like never wants to have sex? (I kinda wanna do it every time I see her tbh, trying not to feel shame about this). What if she is not that open minded about sex and its really boring and I end up hating that part of our relationship (Im a Physical Touch person 100% so a bad sex life is 100% a deal breaker for me).

I am extremely worried about the sex part of our relationship not being satisfying at all for me. And the only way to really know is to wait until we have sex. But in that time the emotional connection grows so much. She has even expressed anxiety about sex stuff because she doesnt want me to leave if that stuff doesnt work out.

Literally wtf do I do, im so stressed out about this.

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