After a rough couple of years in the dating pool, I met my boyfriend in July 2021 and we’ve been dating for almost a year now. We’re serious and have talked about getting engaged soon. I’m pretty open and transparent about everything with him, and he is the same with me. There is one thing nagging at me that I am unsure about telling him.

Well before meeting my boyfriend, when I was single, I met a guy through work (at a company event) in 2019, let’s call him Mark. We hooked up one night when we were drunk. It was dumb and I didn’t have any romantic interest in the guy. So we pretended like it didn’t happen and continued to stay friends, and hung out platonically in group settings. He dated several girls in between and I met a few of them, and happily hung out with them too.

In the early stages of dating my boyfriend, we (Mark, my boyfriend, bunch of others) went out for drinks once or twice as a group. At this stage, I didn’t feel the need to tell my boyfriend about my past with Mark. Conveniently, a few months after my boyfriend and I became official, Mark moved to a different city and I moved to a different company. So we hardly interact now other than the occasional text.

Anyway, as my relationship with my boyfriend progresses towards marriage, I’m wondering if this is something I should proactively disclose to him now. I don’t want him to think I am hiding anything but I also don’t want him to worry as there is nothing to worry about.

I’m looking for advice on what to do here and any considerations to keep in mind.

  1. Just say the thing to him, you were single. If it is an issue, better to be one now than later.

  2. It’s in the past. I’d also just close that chapter with Mark. If he texts you, take a day or two to respond and keep it short. He’ll get the hint.

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