I met my girlfriend on hinge and we started to move pretty quickly. She left her hometown due to the death of a close friend and her other friends were bad influences. She was living in my city for about a month before we met, and moved here for a guy she was talking to from hinge. Long story short, he broke up with her because she wanted something serious and to progress quickly in a relationship and he did not. In the beginning, I realized that she is a compulsive liar, even lied about her age and I had to do a background check to find out. She has medical conditions (serious) which she kept from me and lied about her previous relationships. We’ve worked through all of that (I think), and now are fighting and “breaking up” almost every week. Most of our fights are caused by her not telling me what she’s been doing and my getting overly inquisitive about her whereabouts, it’s turning me into the controlling boyfriend I never was or want to be. She doesn’t have a job (she quit her last one for no reason), and she is now on a “job search”. She will go all day without doing anything, lie and tell me that she’s been doing work, and then when I realize no work has been done she basically says she did nothing all day. Whenever we fight she tells me she doesn’t want to be with me anymore, and then when I leave she chases me and begs me to stay. She told me she would kill herself if I left multiple times I don’t think she would cheat, but part of me feels like there are sides to her that I just don’t know about. How do I go about fixing this? Sometimes I just sit at my desk feeling anxious about what she’s up to all day and it’s killing me.

  1. Why are you *both* working through *her* issues?

    Why are you sticking around for all this nonsense when you know full well if the genders were reversed, she’d be gone in a heartbeat and have moved on with another dude?

    Have some respect for yourself and your time and mental health and find someone who has their shit together. Don’t be so desperate for a relationship that you’re willing to accept this as your reality homey.

  2. Yep, just walk away. You’ll find it harder to spot the red flags, but it’s easier to see from the outside. Block her too.

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