first post so don’t know how much attention it’ll grab, but just wondering, have any introverts had a good relationship that worked out with an extrovert?
The guy i’m dating is a mega extrovert and has heaps of friends (like, he could become mates with a brick wall if he wanted to), meanwhile i’m definitely on the opposite side of the spectrum where i have only a small handful of good friends, and love spending my non-work time either by myself or 1v1 with said friends.
I’m worried that if we progress further in our relationship and he starts to involve me more in his social circles, i won’t fit in since i’m more shy when meeting a bunch of new people.
Has anyone found this an issue when they’re dating an extrovert/introvert opposite to them? Thanks!

TLDR: i’m an introvert and guy i’m dating is an extrovert. Has anyone dated someone like this before, and have any issues because of it?

  1. If you are into one another you can often find some middle ground that works for everyone. You don’t have to go to everything, and if you state and respect one anothers’ boundaries then you’ll be in much better shape than if you ignore your needs and wants for them. I also want to remind you that they are attracted to you because of who you are, and being introverted is a part of you. As someone who is pretty extroverted, being around someone introverted often is very calming and can sometimes balance me out some. (edited for spelling)

  2. > i won’t fit in since i’m more shy when meeting a bunch of new people.

    This sounds like a good opportunity to practice socialization and build confidence with a group of friendly people.

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