Basically, I’m currently in high school and a very social and fridenly person, but that persona is only there when I’m at the school. I have almost no problem striking up a conversation with a random kid at the cafeteria let alone making new friends. A lot of my peers even like to call me charming.

*Oh and, keep in mind my school’s an all boys school*

Anyways, when I’m outside of school, around adults and girls im interested in, I become a diff person. Talking to girls im not interested in, is no big deal actually, But there’s one girl i like and my charm somehow becomes non existent when we chat, the same goes for when i talk to/am with adults.

I automatically become shy and can’t crack jokes that i somehow seem to do effortlessly when I’m with kids my age, I become self conscious, I’m afraid they’ll stop talking to me, I can’t say what I want to since I’m afraid I’ll upset them. I also, sometimes, start putting up fake personalities, sometimes being a complete douche, and sometimes a nice goody two shoes.

and I personally do not think it’s social anxiety, since i do feel like i have control but i still have the fear of getting embarrassed, fear of looking obnoxious, fear of being annoying. Oh and keep in mind, I get anxious infront of people I want to impress/be respected by/get close to, but I have none of those feelings when the person infront of me is someone who’s relation with me, be it bad or good, won’t effect me much.

i hope what i was trying to say wasnt confusing
if u read this far, thanks a ton, i appreciate you spending your time by helping a random stranger on the internet šŸ™‚

1 comment
  1. Shit bro, you gotta focus on yourself it sounds like. Itā€™s confidence in yourself you are lacking and itā€™s completely normal! Some men never get over the stigma of talking to women or accepting job opportunities because of lack of belief in oneā€™s self. Itā€™s easier said then done to achieve the confidence to hold your persona no matter what the situation, but it comes from loving yourself! Treating yourself like gold! Create value of yourself and then once you see yourself as gold youā€™ll know your worth.

    Women arenā€™t anything above the ordinary, they are human beings just like you and I donā€™t put them above you! We are all children of god! God loves you just as much as he loves Addison Rae ya feel me? So once you know your worth learn to approach the conversation with nothing but pure intentions! You have a good heart you arenā€™t a ā€˜playerā€™ leave that to the assholes!

    Iā€™m a very nice guy and Iā€™ve always gotten girls by being myself! The sweet hearted, funny goofy guy lol I donā€™t take myself to seriously but at the same time Iā€™m confident and the girls LOVE IT! Just learn to become your truest self and love and live that person ! Spread love and positivity and the universe will reward you with confidence! Once again easier said then done Iā€™m 23 and Iā€™m still learning!

    Over time with effort and practice you will get over this stigma to a degree, but itā€™s completely normal how you are feeling now! God bless you and remember you are BEAUTIFUL TO MEEEEEšŸ’ÆšŸ¤ŸšŸ½

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