So I regularly go to this pet store to get things for my bird, and there’s this girl working there who I think is really cute. She almost always rings me up at the register, and 2 weeks ago we talked briefly while she rang me up. She noticed the exorcist shirt I was wearing and we talked about horror movies for a bit, before I left I introduced myself and she told me her name (I’ll call her G). She seemed friendly, but also a bit fidgety, like she was anxious to get back to work or something. I went back there today, and when she began ringing me up I said “it’s G, right?” to show I remembered her, she didn’t remember my name but knew who I was and remembered my shirt. I talked to her about one of the birds they had and about what I was buying for my bird, but again she seemed a bit on edge. I know I wasn’t coming off flirty or too strong, I also work retail and know that sometimes it’s just friendly conversation, but I’m not sure what to make of our interactions? I realize the only way to know whether she’d be interested in hanging out, or if she’s already in a relationship would be to ask if she wants to, but is she giving me hints she doesn’t want anything to do with me? I have never tried approaching a girl in a real life setting, only on dating apps so I’m unsure how to interpret her demeanor. I feel like we already share a similar interest, but I’d hate to be bothering someone when they’re just trying to do their job. Anyone have any suggestions?

TLDR: not sure if this girl is just doing her job and making friendly conversation, or if she’d be interested in hanging out and getting to know each other. She’s been friendly, but also seems fidgety when I try to continue the conversation.

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