In other words, is there a specific brand, style, region, or varietal of wine or beer that typically drink?

  1. For wine, I love Nuits-Saint-Georges, a vineyard domain from Bourgogne. But I like most good wines, depending on what I eat with it. Being french I obviously drink a lot of French wines but I also buy wines from California, Chile South Africa or new Zealand.

    Beer, I like diversity. As long as it’s not too bitter. I mostly like Belgian beer over German, for example. And I buy a lot of beer from little French producers.

  2. I don’t know much about wine. I can never seem to remember the ones I’ve liked and am as likely to pick vinagre as I am a good wine, *sigh*.

    As far as beers go, however, I have a little more knowledge. My go-to, when it’s available, is a Kwak. A more widely available in bars is a Grimbergen. And when I’m in Southern Spain, my go-to is an ice cold Cruzcampo.

  3. For beer my default is Hobgoblin though I try to have something else if it’s available, as for wine I like a wine that hits you in the face and says “I am red wine TASTE ME!!!” so I generally go for Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Pinot Noir or Syrah. If it’s not bold i’m not interested unless it’s with food and then i attempt to go for a good pairing.

  4. Beer: Kölsch, preferably Früh (or if im in Bavaria the local Dorfbier)

    Wine: im really into a certain greek red wine from Nemea, but in general i do like very fruity red wines

  5. Not really a brand, but my two go-to still wines are Languedoc and Riesling. I’m not a beer person, but my husband is. He oscillates between 1664, Heineken, and Calvinus.

  6. I drink real ales, most types, though I’m not such a fan of the sweet types (chocolate stouts and the like). That being said, I’ll still try them once, as I may like just a half as has happened in the past when a pint is too much.

    I’m currently drinking a blonde ale from Ossett Brewery which goes down rather well.

  7. It’s all a matter of taste but imo the best beer ever crafted is Denogginizer. It’s a strong imperial IPA, easy to drink and not syrupy. If you like Stone IPA or even something like Pliney the Elder than you will most likely love Drake’s Denogginizer.

    Edit: Whoops! I just realized which subreddit this is. Well I’ll leave this up anyway in case anyone here ever visits the US and is looking for a good 9% IPA

  8. Rockshore is an Irish beer and always my go to. It used to be only sold in a few Irish bars but are now everywhere. I can’t wait to see it abroad.

    It’s a light, crisp and refreshing beer that’s impossible to beat.

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