I am a 24M and I love to have sex with girls with their jeans on. I like to cut a very small hole in the crotch area (just small enough for me to fit) and have sex with them thru it. I just love the way that a nice ass looks in some sexy fitting jeans, so I eventually started to like having sex like that. I like the visual of an ass in jeans but the feeling of penetration. I like the feeling of the jeans clapping against me when I thrust in doggystyle. I also like to do the same with yoga pants, tights, leggings, and other jeans colors but a pair of skin tight blue jeans with black pockets is my favorite.
I used to do this with my ex girlfriend but have since not told anyone else about this fetish due to fear of what they might think. I think that it is something different that might throw some women off guard. Ideally, we would have a few pairs of jeans and other pants specifically for sex hidden in the closet to play with (“the fuck jeans”). And of course I would pay for them.
I am wondering what people think of this? I really want to know what the women here think… And how you would react to such a fantasy when hearing about it for the first time. I hope a potential girlfriend can be into it enough that she can surprise me in them.

  1. I wanna try this now, sounds hot! I don’t see it as much more different than asking someone to wear lingerie tbh, it’s a similar thing with the visual appeal and the feeling, the only problem I could see with it is persuading them to wreck their jeans, but you could go shopping with them for some nice jeans then offer to buy one pair for wearing and another for fucking?

  2. I’ve always wanted to try this honestly so I don’t think it’s that weird, if it helps!

  3. Dude ppl are out here eating ass now, I don’t think you need to worry about fuck jeans being a step too far

  4. I much prefer people wearing some article of clothing than being completely naked.
    Naked is hot but tight fitting clothes are hotter, soo

  5. I (f) get super into sex with a man who has pants on (jeans, rough work pants etc) and just his fly open or them slightly down with me completely naked. There’s something about the immediacy of it, and the texture of denim against my vulva that gets me going.

    I think you’re fine and not at all alone

  6. Sounds hot! It took my husband five years to tell me that he would like me to wear clothes in bed – specifically some kind of button down dress or robe that he could open while I was on top. He was so sweet and nervous when he told me, I was like “Babe! That’s all you want? Of course I’ll do that, do you want me to wear the red on or this one with the flowers?”

    My point is – just tell’em. You have nothing to be embarrassed about.

  7. Iv got to the point in my sex life where a kink is a kink and it really doesn’t matter to me what it is. I think it’s a really important thing to have the king chat, casually, outside of horny sex talk. And talk about it early. I was super conservative with my last partner, long term of 7 years, my next girl just brought it up in a cheeky way and we had a long conversation that was light and informative. Iv never felt so free and refreshed in my sex life

  8. Some people will be excited by this, some would be willing to do it for you, and some will have no interest. Me personally, its something i would be willing to do for my partner once in a while, but i would want to have the kind of sex i prefer too.

    It may be a bit harder for you to find a partner that is 100% into this, but you can find it.

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