I dunno if any of you know, let me know a better subreddit to ask this if that’s the case, but how do some people develop such good talking skills? I’m talking about the car sale guys, telemarketing people, con artists. H O W??
It’s almost like a superpower.

  1. Practice. Speaking like any other skill takes patience and lots of practice. Your favorite comedian used to be corny at one point of time.

  2. Intelligence, reading, sometimes education, life experience, liking people genuinely, being interested in helping people, believing in what you’re doing, genetics, having a talkative family (sometimes), being at peace with yourself, being a good listener, are the ingredients I think go into such a person.

    Aside from that, there’s a “wheeler-dealer” personality: a bit more superficial, a bit less likeable, skates on the surface, sometimes cons people. But that looks different than the above. So which do you mean? They share many characteristics. Sometimes the second type gets into trouble with the law. If they were books, the first would be a thick, interesting read, a NYT Bestseller. The second would be an e-book on the internet. Both have their place.

  3. Confidence and a heaping helping of just don’t give a fuck.
    Seriously, all things considered, what are the people I’m speaking to gonna do?
    Laugh at me because I’m an idiot?
    Get in line.
    Or better yet, they can write it down so I can take it with me and ignore them later.

    Once nervousness is gone, it’s time to make words. I know you can speak intelligently, I can too. Anyone can so long as they’re well versed in whatever they’re speaking on.

  4. Practice. I’m struggle with talking to others to. Not because I’m shy or introverted but because I usually don’t know what to say. For the longest, I thought something was wrong with me but it’s because I lack social intelligence and confidence. Think of the most social savvy person you know.
    Usually they are funny, assertive, and empathic. Alot of people think that they were born that way but really it is acquired habit of talking to alot of different people over time.

    My recommendation is to join the program jaunty gym where they can to teach you about social intelligence. As for practice, just go up to people and ask strangers how is their day? Then ask a follow up question. You will start pick up on social energies of others and how you interact with that. Overtime you will create strategy to deal with it. That will build the confidence overtime

  5. Psychology. Off the bat, you can suck in a lot of information about them real fast. Then using that information, their limits, their boundaries, their personality you charm them. If they reallyyyy like you, they’ll trust you and feel lucky to be buying from you. You make them feel special. People will do a lot for you if they really like you and depending on their limits and goals, you can sell them things accordingly at your greatest advantage.

  6. Salesperson who has no natural charisma and had to learn it on the job checking in.

    It’s not about being a good orator. It’s about listening. If you don’t listen, you can’t ensure that you’re talking to the right person, control the conversation, tell the prospect what they want to hear or guide them to say and feel what you want them to say and feel. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE can learn these skills. It just takes practice, a handful of texts, e.g., books like New Sales Simplified or The Science of Selling, Jeb Blount’s stuff, various LinkedIn and Hubspot articles on things like objection handling, discovery, pitching, and reframing, and incorporating lots of leading open questions into your speaking style.

    Bad question: Do you have solar panels?

    Good question: How much of your electric bill is currently being offset by green energy like solar?

    A sale or a grift will is always a 3 step operation at its core. Step 1: get ahold of the right person. 2: uncover a need to them. Step 2: show that you can meet that need.

    Are you the owner of this house? Are you afraid that a volcano will melt your home? You need volcano insurance, and here’s why mine is the best…

    Are you a quality control director at a pharma company? Are you afraid that your facility will fail an audit, which could throw an entire clinical trial out the window and cost millions of dollars (and possibly get you fired)? You need quality management software, and here’s why mine is the best…

    Use the skills for good by selling with sincerity to people with a legitimate need who you legitimately think your product will help, and you can actually improve the world. Unfortunately, I’d say 25% of salespeople tops actually do the job honorably, but that is probably pretty well aligned with how much of society is morally just, so salespeople get a worse rap than we should.

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