I think most of us can agree that sex in the shower, at least how it is portrayed in movies/tv/pornography, sucks. Water is an awful lubricant for skin and tends to wash away any natural lubrication.

With that said, my girlfriend and I take the vast majority of our showers together, and often use them for foreplay or for oral. But, we have recently been discussing how nice it would be to be able to have PIV in the shower since cleanup is easily taken care of and are looking for a lube that may help solve the water issues.

I’ve heard silicone lubes can work acceptably well, and wonder if any of you fine people on r/sex have had any luck or recommendations for a good one? She has an IUD so condom compatibility isn’t a consideration. We also both have somewhat firm boundaries against receiving anal play, so neither is whether one brand is better for anal than others.

Thanks for any help.

  1. If it’s not water based lube (which won’t work in the shower) coconut oil for me

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