Like in the title. Recently, we in Poland were bombarded with Shopee advert that used “Baby shark” song and awful Polish lyrics slapped on top of that. This ad was basically everywhere – radio, tv, spotify etc., with the intensity of like 2 ads per one ad break. They ended airing it around 5th of May, but now they are using ”Macarena” music for their ads. Thankfully these ones are less present for the sake our sanity.

If you want to listen to this abomination it’s here (I don’t recommend it tho): [](

What kind of ads do you have to suffer through? Or they make them more bearable where you live?

  1. Any radio ad with car/traffic sounds in them, that should be illegal by law.

    I’m driving and out of nowhere a loud horn, and I’m thinking what the fuck did I do wrong before I realize it was the radio

  2. Not exactly recent but the insane amount of ads for online gambling. I counted 3 different ones in a single break on tv a while back

  3. As part of the German Speaking bubble: an ad for a company which delivers you fresh stuff and a receipt so you can cook it by yourself. It contained a picture of raw chicken.

    In Switzerland: In my opinion an ad for a telecommunication compamy in which Roger Federer sings with other people a Beatles song. Really ruined the song for me. Runner up: A Baby which is going to buy stuff in a super market.

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