1. 100% pic number 2 for me.

    Very nice lighting, great bokeh, very natural and warm and inviting. I’d actually work on your other pics though haha

    * 1 is too blurry – drop
    * 3 is fine
    * 4 I like eating food pics but this one doesn’t look interesting cause the food is very uninteresting (along with the background)
    * 5 is boring
    * 6 feels like 5 and not a great angle
    * 7 feels like 6 + 1 and weirdly blurry

    Please get some pics where you aren’t in activewear and inside an apartment!

  2. Number 2 is the profile pic.

    You on the chaise needs to go.

    And by the lamp

    And with your friend.

  3. 2 is the best.

    1 looks like an older photo, or maybe it’s just blurry.

    3 and 4 are fine.

    The rest are a bit redundant- same setting, same outfit.

  4. #2…also want help taking pictures? Kayaking…hiking…sitting next to a lake. 🙂

  5. Pic 3 and then pick 7 followed by the others would really catch my eye. In pic 3 you look really fun and not in super staged way, but like you spontaneously saw something you thought would be nice to take a picture of way, and you seem very approachable and nice in the other pics.

    Pics 2 and 6 come off much more serious than all the others. They aren’t bad pictures, but depending on the impression you want to give off and the parts of your personality you wanna highlight, you may want to consider pruning those out.

  6. 2–profile; handsome and put together
    3– silly and shows u r active
    4–shows u don’t take urself too serious
    7–u have friends but aren’t necessarily out at bars with them all the time
    I’d totally swipe right!!

  7. I think pic # 2 is great.

    Please keep # 4 in. This sub taught me that people overthink dating profile pictures (and make assumptions). At least I gather “this guy is physically active and has no shame in destroying a cupcake”. These two facts together can make someone more appealing IMO. Good luck!

  8. 4 is my fave! Makes you look approachable and fun.

    I would get rid of 6. It’s not really adding anything new.

    Weird nit pick..but have you considered adding some art to the walls, or some other kind of decoration? Something to give your place some personality? Or something to start a conversation?

  9. Get rid of #4 – absolutely not necessary!

    The last few look very similar/redundant.

    Remember that a photo says 1,000 words. What do you want your photos to say? That is the mentality I’d encourage you to use when selecting your profile pics.

  10. Number 2 is best! 3 and 4 also work. I’d ditch the others – generally I don’t think it’s a good idea to repeat the same outfit in multiple photos.

  11. 4 is my favorite! I think 2 is the best lead photo but 4 is what would make me swipe for you.

  12. 2 is your best BY FAR.

    1/4/6 look like you are being forced to take these pictures and pretend to be happy against your will.

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